I looked over at Jin who was observing the other two boys with a sad smile plastered on his face. I wonder what he is thinking about? I thought curiously. I was the first time in ages that I had seen Jin with a non-confusing and civil expression on his face and I wondered whether the demolition of the rivalry between Jungkook and Jimin had calmed him down. I know it definitely calmed me down. Jin must have sensed that I was looking at him because he looked away from Jimin and Jungkook and flashed me a genuinely happy smile. I smiled back and gave him a small wave. Looks like he isn't as bad after all. 

Jimin and Jungkook had already started conversing with each other. They weren't even talking about me or how big of a douche the other person was which a huge plus. I frowned slightly as I remembered that I had to talk to Jimin about is feelings for me and I hoped that Jungkook was just teasing Jimin per usual. However, I couldn't think about this now. Seeing Jimin and Jungkook getting along made me feel like a proud mother and it formed warm butterflies in my stomach. I then realised that I had to be the leader. Namjoon had been the leader in my life until now and now he was gone. So, I had to step up and take after him. Also, it looked like the boys only listened to me so I didn't have a choice but to keep them under control properly. 

I walked towards Jungkook and Jimin and cleared my throat softly. They both looked at me in wonder and turned to face me. Jin however, was still standing away from us and looked the other way. It hurt to see how much of an outcast he had made himself and I looked down sadly. I walked over to Jin and dragged him towards where I was standing. He looked at me, confused as I took his hand into mine. I gazed into his dark but calm eyes and smiled at him... for real this time. 

I cleared my throat again, gaining the boys' attention fully. "For now on, we will all be part of a proper team. There will be no arguing and Jin..." I squeezed Jin's hand tighter and his gaze was full of emotion and hope, "you are part of us. We are all in the same boat and there will be no outcasts. We have lost three people already..." I paused as I thought of the three bodies that we had to leave behind in this wicked game. "So it means that we have to stick together and help each other so we can get through this together."

I watched as tears poured down silently from Jimin's delicate eyes and landed on his bare chest. Jungkook rubbed him comfortingly on the back with his head bowed in sorrow. "Look guys, we don't have a choice but to pull through this and show that psycho bitch, Yoongi, that we aint toys to play games with"

"Oh see what you did there" Jungkook said, "since we are playing a game and..."

"Alright Jungkook" Jimin smirked at Jungkook, who frowned and crossed his arms. He wiped his eyes with his hand and glanced at me "Y/N, you can't keep cussing Jin's cousin out"

I gasped in shame and slowly turned to face Jin, hoping that he wouldn't take it so harshly. "I am sorry. I didn't mean..."

"It's okay" Jin interrupted me and squeezed my hand this time. His eyes were warm and for the first time, a laughed escaped from his mouth. "I can't defend my cousin can I? He put me in this shit hole like I mean nothing to him so I completely agree with you"

He sighed and took a deep breath. "Look guys... I am sorry if I have been acting weird around you. It just didn't sink in that my own family would want to put me in here but now I have finally accepted that if we are going to make it, we have to stick together and enjoy these potential last moments. Please forgive me for making you feel weird around me" Jimin smiled at Jin, whilst Jungkook just stared at Jin cautiously. What was Jungkook's deal?

Jimin walked over to Jin and grinned. "We get it like I'm sure I would be worse if my cousin put me in here. All that matters right now is that we take our goal more seriously and we stick as a team. Jimin patted Jin on the shoulder and looked at me. "I guess you are our leader now. That whole speech is what Namjoon would have said"

I removed my hand from Jin's and rubbed my arms sadly. I didn't want to become Namjoon like he was never part of my life but I had to make sure this goes well. I won't be able to live through witnessing another death. I might die myself...

"Why do you look so sad? I think you would make a great leader and we clearly need you. Make Namjoon proud" Jimin unexpectedly took me into is arms and I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tight whilst he rubbed my back gently.

"Um guys..." I broke the hug to find that Jin's emotions had completely changed from happy and grateful to frightened and shaky. His eyes were fixated onto his wrist where his watch lay soundly. His hands shook which caused me to peer at my watch nervously. I let out a small whimper as I looked at the time with widened eyes. We only had five hours left. How the fuck did we only have five hours left? There was no way this task alone took hours to complete. 

"We have fucking five hours!" shrieked Jimin. He must have looked at my watch too. "We have to get going. We all still need to do our tasks and I don't want to go all of this, only to die anyways"

Jungkook, breaking his silence, let out a frightened sigh. "Come on the exit is over there" Jungkook pointed at the door which had another bloody sign, which read this way. 

I started walking towards the door in a scared but quick motion. My thoughts drifted away to who would be completing the next task. More importantly, if they would live to see their victory. But what happens if we all survive? Yoongi said there could only be one winner...

"Hello?" My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling in my direction. I turned around and saw Jimin, Jin and Jungkook staring at me. They hadn't moved since we last talked and instead, they stood still, looking at me with a look of concern and confusion on their faces. I stared back at them, trying to figure out why they were acing weird. 

"Aren't you gonna put your clothes back on?" Jungkook asked me. I then realised that the boys had already put their shirts back on and I was on my way to the next task still in my pants and bra. Jimin and Jungkook both smirked at me as my face went red from embarrassment and shame. Kill me now I thought, whilst trying ignore the boys' laughs and stares.

I scanned the room for my top and Nike joggers and found them lying on the floor next to the pipes. I ran towards them, suddenly cautiously of my almost naked body and almost slipping from the wetness of the floor. As soon as I got to the location, I grabbed them and put them on as fast as I could. I then walked towards the door calmly and silently, as if nothing had happened. The boys were still standing in the same place, watching me with smirks still planted on their faces like we didn't have a game to complete. 

"Why are your asses still staring? Come on we need to go" They moved from their fixated positions one after the other, their mouths still curled into a smile. I scowled as I walked towards the door but my annoyance soon disappeared and was replaced by nervousness and curiosity. I definitely wasn't ready for whatever was waiting for us on the other side of the door.

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