Part 8 part 2

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Beyoncé's POV

Today the twins are graduating the 8th grade and will soon be in High School. Lord knows I don't think I'm ready.

I was fixing breakfast. I made eggs, bacon and pancakes. Cinnamon for Jaz and Strawberry for Shauni. Don't think I do different pancakes every morning today is just special. While I flipped a pancake I knew Jaz was near. She was going for the bacon so I popped her hand.

"Ma! Ow!" I heard.

"Go sit down. What I tell you about touching food? You probably didn't even wash your hands or the crust out your eye."

"Ma, I'm clean. Check my breath." She said and blew in my face.

"Jaz, get away." I said pushing her away and went back to cooking. "Go wake your sister and daddy up."

She left and I finished up breakfast. By the time I was completely finished everyone was walking in.

"Morning ma." Shauni said sitting down.

"Morning baby." I said.

I sat the different plates on the table and Shawn walked with Jaz behind him holding Blue.

He walked over to me and we kissed.

"Morning." He said.

"Good morning." I said smiling.

"Eww! Yuck!" Jaz said to Blue.

"Oh shut up." I said as I took Blue. "Hi mama." 

I pecked her lips as she giggled. I sat her on my lap. We prayed and then started eating.

After breakfast the girls went to ready. I got myself and Blue ready while Shawn got ready. 

"Girls! You ready!" I yelled.

I picked up Blue's diaper bag as the girls walked in. I looked at them.

"Jaz, what are you wearing?" I asked.

They were supposed to wear white. Shauni was wearing the dress we picked out and Jaz looked like she was going to the mall.

"They said wear white."

"That is not the outfit we picked out." I said.

"I know but I don't wanna wear the dress." She said.

"I told her to wear the dress." Shauni said going to the couch.

I sighed. We don't have time for this.

"Why didn't you say anything yesterday?" I asked.

"I wanted to wear a dress yesterday today I don't." She said.

I sighed and passed Blue to Shauni.

"Jazmine, you have five minutes to go put on that dress on." 

"Mommy!!!" She whined.

"Jazmine, I'm not playing with you. Go get dressed." I said. 

She walked to the room and got dressed. Shawn passed her in the hallway and looked back at her then me.

"What she wearing?" He asked.

"She's changing." I said.

After a few minutes Jaz walked out.

"Happy?" She asked sarcastically.

"Jazmine, let me talk to you real quick." I said.

"Nooo, okay. I'm sorry." She said.

"Let's just go so we don't be late." Shawn said.

We finally left to go to the school.

Jaz's POV

We were in the room waiting to go in the auditorium. Don't ask why I like to test authority. Sometimes it goes my way but majority of the time it doesn't.

"Why you looking like that?" Shauni asked. "You look cute."

"I know." I said.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

We shared a laugh.

"What up twins." I heard.

We looked over.

"Rob, you gotta stop with that." Shauni said.

"My favorite twins. You leaving me." Justin said dramatically.

"Chill out dude." Evan said. "We do have their numbers."

"I'm just saying."

"Y'all this is it." TK said. "We finally going to high school. I can see the girls already."

Shauni and I's face frowned but the guys agreed.

"TK, remember, we're straight." I said.

"Well I'm just saying what I'm looking forward to." She laughing.

We all laughed.

Yeah as you can tell we hang out with a lot of boys but that's just how it is. We just get along with guys quicker. TK is an acception, we've known her since kindagarden and play ball together.

"Alright y'all, time to get ready." Shauni said.

We all stood up and walked in line and I spotted Justin walking mad close to Shauni telling her something and they both got goofy looking smiles. I pep game, bag him sis.

We finally walked into the auditorium and it's time to graduate.

Shauni's POV

I'm officially a high school freshman. I feel good. I graduated 3rd in my class and I was class secretary. It was good seeing our family section and that Corrine was there too.

After it was over we met up with our family. We got balloons and flowers.

"Thanks for coming." I said hugging Corrine after Jaz.

"I wouldn't have missed it." She said.

"Daddy, Shauni got a boyfriend." Jaz said laughing.

"What?!" My dad said looking at the both of us.

"Daddy no I don't." I said.

"Then why was you and Justin looking mad goofy?" Jaz asked.

"It don't matter. Daddy I don't have a boyfriend."

"Okay, you can't have one until you get married anyway." He said.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Anyway, you ready to get some lunch." Ma asked.

"Oh god yes." Jaz said. "I'm starving."

"Why you acting like you didn't eat breakfast?" Ma asked.

"That was like 5 hours ago." She said and we walked out the school.

I shook my head and walked with my dad.

"I'm proud of y'all." He said.

"Thanks daddy." I said smiling. "These next few years are gonna fly by."

"Hopefully not too fast." He said and I nodded. "You don't really have a boyfriend yet do you?"


"Okay, okay, I'm just asking." He said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"These next few years are gonna fly by."...Keyword, i'm about to speed this up a bit.

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