Part 14

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Jaz's POV

It's been a week since that crap with Brandi went down. I think I should let ma know. She'll know what to do.

We were about to meet with the party planner with Corrine and Shauni. Shauni wanted to see her boyfriend so they were in jersey.

"Ma." I said as we were being driven to the place.

"Yeah." She said.

The partition was already up so the driver couldn't hear us.

"Remember I told you about that girl that kissed me."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well she saw me and Josiah hugging and I guess got caught in her feelings. Anyway, she told me I'd be sorry."

"What hell does that mean?"

"I'm saying." I said. "I don't know."

"Do you think she'd go to the media or social networks?"

"Possibly." I said. "It was one kiss. The girl acting like we was dating or something. We was just friends and something happened once."

She sighed.

"You have to tell your father-"

"What? No, I can't. He'd kill me."

"No he won't. I'll be right there but I rather you tell him before something happens. If he finds out and it's not from you he's gonna be mad."

I sighed. I know she right but I don't want to tell my dad.

We finished our talk and met up with the planner to go over some details for our party. 

After all that we grabbed some food and went home. It was only the three of us until daddy got home. My mom told Blue to go play with Shauni and it was just us in the kitchen. I just kept sipping my strawberry lemonade. 

"Okay, what's up?" My dad asked leaning on the island.

He looked at both of us and ma looked at me.

"Okay." I said and took a deep breath. "I kissed a girl."

"You did what?"

"It was one time."

"You did what?" He repeated.

"Shawn, let her finish."

He looked at me and stood up upright.


"Well it was one time but anyway. I like this boy name Josiah-"

"Okay, wait. You kissed a girl but you like a boy?"

"Shawn." Ma said.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"So she saw me hugging him and I guess she got caught in her feelings. I told her I wasn't gay and wasn't trying to play with her emotions and she was like you'll be sorry." I said.

My dad looked like a deer in headlights.

"I wanted to tell you in case she goes to the media with some crazy story." I said.

He sighed.

"So you kissed this girl once?"

"Yeah, and she kissed me." I said.

"So who's this boy?"

"Shawn, that's not the point." Ma said.

"If she likes this boy it is a point. Who is he?"

Life Change [Finished]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora