Part 4

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Bey's POV

I was sleeping when I heard little whispers. I started to open my eyes and the girls were sitting in the same position with their hair in buns and white t-shirts.

"Morning." They both said.

"Ahhh, why do y'all do this so early in the morning?" I asked looking at them.

"Whose who?" They both said.

I rolled my eyes. Even if I've know them practically their whole lives their identical twins. Two totally different personalities but they look exactly alike.

I pinched them.

"Ow! Mommy."

"Dang! That hurt!"

I smiled and pointed.

Jaz to the one on the right and Shauni to the one on the left.

"How'd you know?" Shauni asked.

"You my dear a quick to say mommy always and you." I said looking at Jaz. “You are quick to cuss."

"I didn't cuss." She said.

"What does dang mean?" I asked.

"Fine." She said.

I sat up.

"Daddy has Blue and cooked breakfast." Jaz said.

"We came to wake you up." Shauni said.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said and they got off the bed and they left the room.

I got up to get ready and got dressed to go eat.

"Yo, that's my shirt. Take it off." I heard Shauni yelled.

"But it looks better on me." I heard.

"We're twins dumbass."

I shock my head and opened their door.

"You," I said pointing to Shauni. "Watch your mouth. You," I said pointing to Jaz. "Give her the shirt."


"No lip Jaz." I said leaving out.

 I walked into the kitchen and saw Shawn feeding Blue. I hopped on the counter. He walked over in between my legs and kissed me.


"GoodMorning. You made breakfast."

"I did." He said.

The girls finally came in.

"Girls, your appointment is next week." Shawn said.

I was fixing my plate.

"What appointment?" They asked.


"Oh, like a cleaning or whatever?" Shauni asked fixing her plate.

"Yeah, like that and braces." He said lowly.

"Woah, pump the brakes." Jaz said. "I don't need braces."

"Your dentist says otherwise." Shawn said.

"Come on, ma." She said and looked at me.

"There not that bad." I said.

"How would you know?"

I looked at her.

"A lot of people have braces. You'll be fine.” I said.

"So I guess no one is gonna mention the pain we'll be going through." Shauni said. "You know what I'm eating all I can until we get them braces cause it's gonna be hard to eat after that."

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