Part 2

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Jaz refused to let a tear come roll down her cheek after Corrine smacked her. All Jaz could think about was the pain and the possible mark left on her face.

In the next moment Jaz watched Beyoncé fly over the couch and launch towards Corrine. Shawn caught her just in time.

"No Jay! Let me go!" She yelled.

"Calm down." He said dragging her into a corner.

"You okay?" Jaz asked Shauni who was just standing there stuck.

She nodded and Corrine grabbed Jaz but she jerked away. Corrine was about to smack her again.

"Don't you dare put your hands on her!" Beyoncé yelled.

"She's not your child!" Corrine yelled.

"It doesn't matter!"

Jaz hopped over the couch so she wouldn't be in Corrine's reach anymore and went towards her sister.

"Corrine, you need to leave now." Shawn said.

"Not without my children." She said.

"You're not taking my kids anywhere. You had no right to hit her like that. Now you either leave on your own or I'm calling the police." He said.

"You would call the police on your children's mother?" She said.

"They not leaving with you so just get out." He said.

Corrine looked at him and then stared at Jaz. She looked pissed and with that look Jaz felt she was never going home.

"This ain't over." She said leaving out.

Jaz's heart rate started to go up and she started getting nervous. Jaz looked over at Beyoncé.

"Come here y'all." Beyoncé said wiping her face.

They walked over to her while Shawn made sure Corrine left.

"You okay?" She asked looking at their faces.

"Yeah." Shauni said sniffing.

"We shouldn't have came here." Jaz said lowly.

"What? This is your home too." She said.

"Yeah but what she-"

"Don't worry about what she said." She said. "Has she hit you like that before?"

Jaz sighed and looked away. Shauni looked at Jaz. Beyoncé turned their faces back to her. She looked at Shauni.

"Shauntel. Don't lie to me."


"Has she hit you like that before?" She asked eyeing the both of them. "Yes or no."

"Yes." Jaz said lowly.

"Shawn!" She yelled which made them jump.

Jaz looked over and Shawn was walking towards them.

"We need to sit down and talk." Beyoncé said.

They sat down and Shawn started to question them. Corrine had only hit Jaz like she did twice, not counting today, and grabs her a lot. She only grabs Shauni, Jaz wouldn't let her get smacked. Jaz got some bruises but most of them were gone.

"Why didn't you tell us this when it happened?" Shawn asked.

They shrugged.

"I don't know." Jaz said. "We just went to grandma and y'all's house as much as we could."

"Okay, you can go to your room now." Shawn said.

They nodded and went to their room. They didn't know if their lives were about to change or not.


Beyoncé sat on the couch thinking. She was really about to smack that bitch. She'd been in the twins life since they were two. She helps take care of them so their her daughters too.

"What you thinking?" Shawn asked.

"You know what I'm thinking." She said.

He sighed and nodded his head.

"Ever since that last incident I told you to take her to court and get custody." She said.

"I know." He said nodding his head.

She sighed.

That bitch had Shawn arrested four years ago talking about he kidnapped his children. Corrine is such a damn head ache.

"Look, don't stress." He said. "You got a lot on your plate right now with Revel. Just focus on that and I'll call my lawyer."

She nodded.

"But by Monday we need to figure something out because I don't feel comfortable with them at Corrine's." She said.

"I got it." He said. "Don't worry about nothing."

They shared a kiss.

"Thank you for loving my daughters." He said in between kisses.

"I thank you for letting me be in their lives." She said.

Beyoncé sat back and took a deep breath before got up to talk to Jaz and Shauni.

As Shawn made a call to his lawyer. Beyoncé went to check on Blue first then went in their room. They were laying in Jaz's bed with a stuffed Pooh Bear.

She laid down between them.

"I remember the day I gave ya'll that." She said.

"Me too." Shauni said. "You went on tour and we begged you to go but we couldn't and you gave us this and told us if we sleep with it thirty times we'd see you again."

"Thirty? I said thirty?" She said laughing.

"Yeah, that's a long time for a five year old." Jaz said.

"Yeah, maybe I should've come up with something else to say."

"No, because it worked." Jaz said.

They were quiet for awhile.

"Ma?" Shauni asked.


"Why couldn't you be our real mom?" She asked.

"Well technically with your father and I's age it would not have been a good look." She said.

"Yeah, I forgot about that part." She said laughing.

"But you know I'm always here for you and I love you."

"Till the moon and back." They said.

They laid there until they fell asleep.

What yall thinking? Yall like? What you think gonna happen next?

Life Change [Finished]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora