Chapter 16

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***Duke P.O.V ***

Ambulance Arrived...

We all carried Aliza to hospital, But my heart was dropping, I can't see her like this, every time her life is in risk, how can she live a normal and happy life.

I want her to be happy and safe.

Doctors came out of the Operation Theatre.

I, Crystal and James walked towards him, eagerly waiting for his answer.

"I told you all last time, she is damn weak, she needs complete rest....." I abruptly interrupted in middle "Just say, how is she now?"

"I don't know, how to say, we managed to get the bullet out from her shoulder, but the leg injury can't be so weird for our doctors, till now of our experience we never had a deal with such injury which can't stop bleeding, nothing is working on it, it's bleeding like anything, we are afraid, we may lose her, we are trying our..." the doctor was interrupted by a nurse who just crushed the operation theatre door in a rush mode and said "Doctor! we need you urgently".

The doctor ran in the operation theatre.

Oh, God! Please save Aliza.

" I don't think Aliza can survive, hereafter." Crystal said in a horrified expression.

"That Diamond Piece which hit Aliza's leg was made of power's to absorb Aliza's powers, I can't imagine, what can happen now, No one can use her powers, as diamond is not there, but Aliza..."

I stopped her by saying "Stop, behaving negatively crystal, I can't listen to that, for god sake, please do something, if you know the problem, you may have a solution to it."

Crystal turns towards James and says "I don't know, James, please think something, I don't know, what can I do, Say something please."

"You have the powers left Crystal, not me, you have to use your powers and do something," James said.

At the moment, Crystal tries to say something, Doctor came out of operation Theatre, we all gathered near him.

"Sorry, we lost her!" Saying this doctor moved back to OT.

We all were paused at the moment we heard that our legs froze

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We all were paused at the moment we heard that our legs froze.

But Crystal shouted "Aliza!" and ran into the operation theatre.

Leaving us blank and speechless, please someone say me, it's a dream, not a reality.

All the flashbacks with Aliza were moving in front of my eyes in a reversed way.

All the flashbacks with Aliza were moving in front of my eyes in a reversed way

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I can't digest this, please.

My senses are lost with my world.

My heart was crushed, my eyes were draining, I fall on the ground for a moment, I realized that Crystal is inside, so I ran inside the room, the scene was unexpecting towards my brain, as somewhere, I thought or expected, Crystal would save Aliza.

But crystal was crying down the bad and Aliza was lying on the bed.

James came inside the room and said: "I called Aliza's family for her funeral."

My heart dropped, listening to the word "Funeral" for Aliza.

I sat near Aliza, took her hand in mine, and said: "Aliza, I really like you, please don't leave me alone, I can't survive without you, please, please don't leave me alone."


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