#21 - eri

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We're late to school.
Will Mr Aizawa kick our asses? Most likely.
Do I care? N- actually yes I do.

Here we are, me and my dearest brother running through the empty halls of UA High.

And eventually, got to the big ass door of class 1A and without hesitation, slammed that bitch open.

My other hand was on my knee as I was panting, trying to catch my breath and my brother just behind me. The con to this abrupt entry was that now all eyes were on us.

"I *wheeze* we're late because *very loud exhale* Noi threw up on one of my All Might action figures, *another wheeze* right when we were about to leave, *cough* and dad wouldn't stop laughing." And after that brief explanation I carried on panting.


"Is she okay?" Our beloved home room teaches asked.

"Yup. She's fine."

"Now take a seat before I put you in detention."

"What I- yes sir..."

Let's just say that during home room, All Might had an interesting call with his best friend in the staff room.

~after school~

It was me and my brother's first time patrolling during our work study with Sir Nighteye and we were walking with Mirio.

We were telling each other our hero names and then it came to me,

"Uh, my hero name is Elementia."

Yeah, before patrol, Mirio was told by Nighteye about my bizarre quirk (with my permission of course) and took it really well. Thank god he's good with understanding people's feelings.

"Oh yeah! I get it, like how you can control the elements, right?"

"Aha, yeah. I just put a bit of a twist on the word elements and made that my hero name basically."

After saying that, I felt something collide into my left leg, and when I looked, I saw that it was a little girl.

I crouched down to her level, "Hey, sorry about that, sweetie. You, okay?" When I offered my hand I saw that she looked at it in fear. Probably how I looked after the incident when I was young.

"Let's get you off the floor now shall we?" I said and lifted her up by underneath her arms. I made sure I was gentle with her and couldn't help but notice that she was trembling and the bandages littering her arms and legs.

"You should be more careful,"

Right after hearing that voice I could feel the little girl stiffen and her breath hitched.

"We don't wanna cause trouble for the heroes."

I looked up to see him.

Kai Chisaki. Our main suspect.

My pupils shrunk in shock but a second after, I regained my composure.

"I hope you'll forgive my daughter, hero. I don't know what to do with her, always playing rough and bumping into things,"

His heart rate. I could tell from the vibrations that his bitchass was lying.

She's not his daughter, that's for sure.

Mirio put Izuku's mask down and seemed completely nonchalant by the situation, but I know that he wasn't feeling that way on the inside.

We could tell that his guard was up so we couldn't do anything to help the girl at the moment. That also means that we'll have to leave her until we can save her another time. But the fact that we have to leave her in his hands again bothered me to the max. I didn't want to leave her side.

Mirio obviously knew that as well and rushed us along, saying that we have to finish patrolling the division my noon.

Izuku seemed hesitant and so was I, but knowing that this would be for the best, I gave him a look and a nod.

As I was about to stand back up from the floor, the little girl in my arms tightened her grip on me,

"Please, please don't go."

Those words shattered me. I can't bring her with me. Will she be okay? I'll come back for her.

I could feel that it was about to rain and used the weather to my advantage. With the gray clouds in the sky, a little bit of wind won't seem too suspicious, right?

I created gushes of wind focused around Chisaki so that he wouldn't be able to hear me,

"What's your name?" I asked with my head right next to her ear,


"Alright Eri, I'm going to ask something of you, but you'll have to be really brave to do it okay?" I felt her nod into my chest, "Please, so we can save you faster, you'll have to endure it a little bit longer. I know you can do it, but I promise us heroes will be there to save you before you know it." I could see my brother and Mirio shivering from the wind next to me.

"Jeez, it sure is cold! Weather am I right?" Mirio said

I stroked Eri's head comfortingly before I felt her push herself away from me. She looked me in the eye and I could see that she was scared, but had a tiny bit of hope. And I'm going to make sure she'll hold onto that hope even if it'll be the last of me.

She gave me a little nod and turned around back into the alley to Chisaki.

"So long, heroes." He waved us off and walked back into the darkness.

"What was that about, y/n?" Izuku asked me

"I didn't want Chisaki to get too suspicious, so I told her to endure it a little bit longer until we can save her. Her name's Eri by the way."

"Eri, huh? Well we'll have to make sure to stick to that promise won't we?" Mirio smiled again us and I gave him a smile and nod of determination.

I'm going to make sure that little girl won't have to be in that man's hands any longer.

We met up with Sir and Bubble girl and told them about our encounter. They proceeded to tell us how the agency was keeping an eye on the Shie Hassaikai since they're definitely up to something.

"Oh I forgot! Sir, we got lucky, at least a little. Our brief encounter yielded some new intel. Chisaki, he has a daughter."

"Actually, he was lying about that. She must have some sort of connection with the Hassaikai but she definitely isn't his daughter. She's a little girl called Eri."

"She was all wrapped up in bandages." Izuku added,

"Experiments most likely. But what I do know is that she was asking for help. I told her to endure it a little bit longer until we can save her." I clenched my fists in frustration, "but I don't know how much I can fulfil that promise."

Sir Nighteye then went on to tell us how we had to take our time during this case which made me even more frustrated. However, after that he told us that he had asked other agencies to team up with us which raised my hope a little bit.

The rain that had finally came drenched our hair as we walked back. But the cold and uneasiness about it stayed for a longer time than it was welcome to.

I was distracted during classes and hero training, but was able to do what I was assigned to me - just that the quality was a bit trash. Izuku on the other hand was letting it get to him a lot more. Though I could help him with his work, I was in no state to help him mentally.

Because I was going through the same thing.

Just pushed down deeper into the back of my mind.


Aghh! (sort of) angst!!
but... the next chapter is one that i've already written like months ago and is full of fluff!!

Free Time | x K. Bakugou ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang