#20 - father son reunion

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I effortlessly guided myself around the place I've called home for 16 years. The place was surprisingly clean, I usually was the one tidying a little bit because I didn't like the house being messy. But we did actually have a cleaning robot. His name is Dom. Yours truly was the one who named that fine specimen of metal at the age of 6.

"Wow... It's so... Modern... And huge!" Izuku was taking in the place each step he took. His head and body moving for his eyes to take in more of the environment he was in.

The house was a mix of a wooden aesthetic mixed with a white/gray/black modern vibe.

Then when I stopped in my tracks at my destination my brother walked into me like the moron he is. He stuttered before he looked at the sign on the door.

'The Dragon'

Is what read on the metal sign on the front of the door. Next to it was a little love heart I obviously drew as a kid.

"Huh? The Dragon?!" He gasped quite loudly. Like the ones where you try to kind of whisper it?? Yeah, that.

He removed the hand that was covering his mouth and looked at me to see my next move.

I took a step foward, knocked a little rhythm on the door and pushed it open.

But to no avail, the man we were searching for wasn't where I'd hope him to be. It was odd since it was one if the few rooms he would be found in.

~3rd person~

Next stop: game room.
The power wasn't even on.

Next: Kitchen.
The twins grabbed some snacks after not finding him there. Though the cupboards were packed with food indicating that he still, in fact, existed and lived in the house.

Now going up to the second/top floor where all the lounging/bedrooms were;

Last stop: the living room.
It was obvious that the cushions and a blanket on the sofa directly in front of the vast huge television had been used. Y/n didn't even bother checking the cinema room because she knew he wouldn't be in there since he claimed the amount of un-used seats made him feel lonely. Besides, the living room still had the same components.

But then y/n came across a strike of realisation.

"Hey Jarvis, where's dad?"

(Okay im sorry I can't be bothered to think of a different name, let's just say it's 'inspired' from Tony Stark okay? (• ε •)👌)

"Sir will be here in approximately... 6 seconds."


A loud noise was coming from the roof of the house. It was the sound of y/n's father's helicopter landing on the roof.

"Y/n... Is that a helicopter?!"

"Erm... It seems so..."

Y/n started to walk along the hallways towards the door that lead to the staircase heading up to the roof where the helipad was.

They were walking along the corridor not too far from the last turn when loud footsteps were heard. They got louder indicating they were close, but soon turned into a skid.

The twins saw a man with black fluffy hair, freckles and a bit of stubble in a suit (which was probably way too expensive) skid around the corner. He took another few steps until realising his daughter was right in front if him. But so was his son.

The son he hasn't seen since birth.

He shakily lifted up his finger to point at him with his eyes wide open and panted a little before speaking, "I-Izuku? Son...?"

Now it was Izuku's turn for his face to turn into an expression of shock. The multiple emotions hitting him all at once like a tidal wave.


But before anything else could come out of the grown man's mouth, he fainted.

Right on the cold hard floor.

"Holy crap! I mean, he didn't even say hi to me." Y/n put her hands on her hips and sighed.

"Hey, Jarvis, could you get some recovery robots over here with a stretcher?" She asked while scratching her head.

"Already on it miss."

Two cute dinky robots rolled around the corner with a stretcher and put their father on it, no problem. Almost as if they'd done this before.

Izuku however was still standing there in shock, a few drops of sweat running down his face.

"Your ass better not faint on me. I really didn't expect you two to meet like this. But yeah, this is dad, dad this is your son, Izuku." She mockingly introduced them both like one of them wasn't unconscious.

"Umm, y/n, is he going to be okay?" Izuku asked his sister nervously.

"Yeah, probably just had one too many coffee's jumbling up his insides or something. Want some ice cream?"

The father and daugher duo shared a liking (almost obsession) for ice cream, so y/n knew that there would be some in the kitchen without a doubt.

"Okay..." He looked at his father once again before the robots wheeled him off to god knows where in his eyes. But it was really just to his bedroom.

The twins headed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed three ice cream cones - one to give to their father.

While they were eating their own, they were on their way to see if their dad had woken up.

Y/n knocked on the door aggressively enough that it make Izuku almost drop his icecream while she had already eaten hers in record time. She didn't even wait for a reply and barged in to see him tucked in his bed, drool coming from his mouth onto the sheets.

"You gotta be shitting me."

She poked his forehead multiple times until he groaned, indicating he was waking up.

His eyes were still closed while he was adjusting his bedding for him to sit up in his bed comfortably. But when he finally opened his eyes they were drawn straight to his son.

"Hey sweetie." He said ruffling y/n's hair, but still not taking his eyes off Izuku.

It was like he was observing his closely, looking at every detail on his face.

"Freckles..." He cupped his cheeks with his hands,

"Green fluffly hair..." ruffled Izuku's hair

"Your name's Izuku right?" And asked the question to tick the final box off his checklist.

"Umm... Yes?"

It was then tears came to the old man's eyes and he gave his son a deathly hug. He gave out a large chuckle and squeezed him even more, "Oh my god my son! How much of a young man you've grown into! And those muscles, wow! Toshi really beat you into shape didn't he?" He said as he held a firm grip on Izuku's shoulders.

"Ahhh, c'mere you two!!" The three chuckled as he grabbed both of them into a loving fatherly hug, making the UA students collapse onto the bed their father was currently lying in.

A hug that Izuku Midoriya had desperately waited for had finally came to him.

(While struggling to not drop his icecream cone)


Free Time | x K. Bakugou ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora