#13 - humour

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"So you're telling me that Togata's going to introduce you to Nighteye? So that's what they needed him for when they asked for him over the tannoy." I asked Izuku. Turns out that he called Gran Torino (or Gramps as I all him) to take him in for a work study. But that didn't turn out so well as he recommended that he went for Toshi's former sidekick instead, Sir Nighteye.

I'd met Nighteye before when he was Uncle Toshi's sidekick, before his battle with All For One several years ago. Meaning, I was around 7 years old. His stare always simply phased through me and I always used to laugh a lot. Maybe it was to distract myself from what happened when I was five but it's not like I can remember that much from back then.

Sir Nighteye apparently liked my goofy personality and also saw the strength of my quirk, since Toshi and my dad told him about what it was and about the incident. I was beyond distraught when I found out what happened to my uncle and also that he lost his relationship with his sidekick, who was also his friend.

I mean, how would you react when you find out that the second most important person in your life almost died?

Ages 5 and 8. Probably the roughest years of my life. But seeing Nighteye again would be pretty cool.

"Yeah. Since All Might isn't exactly friends with him anymore so he asked Togata to instead as he's in a work study with him."

"Hey do you mind if I tag along?" I nervously asked, I didn't want to be a burden at all.

"Yeah! Maybe we could have a work study with Sir Nighteye together!" He look of hope and determination in his eyes filled me with passion.

But I didn't know that it would be the last time I would see it in a while.

We asked Togata and he was more than happy to take me along with them.

I wonder how Nighteye feels about me? He never scared me as a kid and I've even made him smile a few times if I can remember. All I know is that him and my uncle have drifted and he secretly likes humour. Let's just hope I haven't changed since 8 years ago.

It was the weekend so Izuku and I were going to Sir Nighteye's agency. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda nervous.

I had just put my hair into a low ponytail and was wearing my school uniform without my blazer. With my backpack on I saw my brother rushing past Kirishima, Tokoyami, Kaminari and Mineta just as I was about to talk to them,

"HEY, WAIT UP DUMBASS!" I shouted as I ran to catch up to him. I guess it wouldn't hurt to show at least a little but of my quirk. I mean, it has been a week.

We both ran past Shoto and Bakugou, who I found out didn't pass their provisional license exam and had to take extra classes. Well, sucks to be them.

It took about and hour from UA to get to the agency, but we finally got there.

"Damn, bro. Take a breather." Izuku was slightly panicking. Not gonna lie, it was somewhat amusing. Togata was saying how we needed to make Sir laugh in order for him to acknowledge us. Guess I forgot to tell them that we've met before.

We were at the door and Izuku dramatically opened it with a determined look. Togata's expression was his neutral, happy face. Mine was relaxed with a grin on my face.

"Hiya, human fortune cookie."

"Heyo! I brought those first year students I mentioned yesterday."

"WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS?" Izuku bellowed. Bubble girl was on some weird tickly, kinky-shit machine.

"So this is how loud and energetic you can be?" Nighteye said.

Free Time | x K. Bakugou ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz