"Well then if my daughter was a lost girl then that would explain things a whole lot better. If Lottie saw your son Hugo.." "Henry!" " Right, Hector, anyway, then Pan would believe that Lottie is your guide to the camp and then could easily rescue him."

"What about all the plans about the lost boys? We never used her for that because we were not sure if she knew them or not. Plus she seemed slightly unstable.." Snow replied. I looked at her surprised.

"You guys have had two lost kids in your camp, on your side and not once did you try to invade the camp with their help while you could? I’m sorry but by the looks of things I would consider you all to be the unstable ones." I bit back. Regina stood up, obviously having enough of this conversation.

"I am going to go find Rumpelstiltskin. Maybe he can actually do something right for once." Regina stated in annoyance. Everyone stood up outraged except me. I just smiled and waved.

"Go. I am sure he will know what to do." I replied cutting everyone off. Regina glared at me and ran off in the woods. Then Emma turned to me, mad.

"What was that about? She could have helped us! She has magic!" Emma exclaimed. I stood up and made her quite.

"You're wrong. The Last thing we need to use right now is magic. Especially from a woman who acts like a teenage drama queen. Magic, unless used in front of Pan, is useless on this island." I replied simply.

"Why?" Jill asked confused.

"Because, this island is all magic. If you use magic on it, it will bounce right off and make an invisible mark to us, but a very bright mark for Pan to see, revealing where we all are."  Everyone looked slightly horrified at that fact.

"You mean Pan can find out where we are without actually seeing us no matter what?" Snow asked. I nodded.

"Pan has the magic to control this whole island, which means he can, in a way feel where people are on the island. It's like a map in his head that has little dots that show where we are no matter what." Hook stated out of nowhere. I looked at him surprised but then nodded, makes sense that a pirate would know this place as well.

"Wait, if that is true, then Alex, he would already know you are here!" Jack replied looking at me worried.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No kid, he can't see me thanks to my lovely fishy friends." I replied, pulling out my old necklace from around my neck.

"Does that.."  "Yes it makes me invisible on his little map. I am safe. Unless he sees me, he has no way knowing I am here. We have the upper hand because of that." I replied smiling now.

"Ok then but what about..." I stopped Emma mid-sentence as I felt a shift in the winds.

Speak of the Devil…

Quickly without thinking I put my hood up and hid my hair in my jacket.

Jack all of a sudden clutched the side of his shirt and looked at us all shocked and mouthed the words: Pan is Here

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