A Power of Colors

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**Jill POV**

"Go before the moon shifts again!" Regina ordered as both Emma and herself lowered their arms from the sky. Immediately we all crossed the line. As I passed I felt a rush of wind go through my ears but then I was across and safe. Once everyone had passed the line, Emma took the lead again.

She took out her sword as she started through the cave with me at her footsteps. I copied her movement and took out my sword as I followed her. I heard people behind me do the same.

When we reached stairs, Emma turned to us and placed a finger to her lips. From this point on, we were to stay quiet and attentive to what was going on around us.

I nodded as I followed her up the stairs slowly, balancing my sword in my hands so that the sharp side pointed away from me at the ready. As I walked I felt my heart beating a 100 beats per second as it felt. I tried to slow my breathing but I knew it was no use. I was too excited to see Pan again and get back at him.

When we reached the top of the stairs we looked around the room but saw no one in sight. A light fell through one of the doorways making Emma turn in its direction.

Everyone walked slowly toward it until we were at the door. That was when we stopped all signs of staying quiet.

"Henry!" Emma called out, making the cave echo with her voice. The boy turned around. It was Henry with his hand out in front of him, with a red object in his hand; his heart. Pan stood right next to him. The goldish tint that covered their faces was from a big time turner that lay in the center of the room.

"Mom?" He muttered, a look of pure joy crossed his face. I saw Emma smile.

"Henry!" Regina called out just as she entered the room. As the rest came through the door after us they all said similar things.

"Well hello there." Pan stated sarcastically. It was obvious on his face that he didn't like how we were here so quickly. I guess we figured out that line a little too quickly.

"Henry come here. Please." Emma begged, walking over slowly toward Henry. Henry looked at her nervously and then turned to Pan. Pan placed an arm over Henry's shoulder.

"Now Henry. You must save magic. Don't be selfish." Henry nodded and took a step back away from Emma.

"No mom. Get away." Emma froze.

"Henry?" Regina asked. Confusion filled her voice.

"I have to save magic. I'm the only one who can."

"Pan is tricking you Henry!" I responded quickly, casting Pan a nasty look. He gave me a look back.

"Oh hello to you too Jill." He replied again sarcastically. I groaned.

"Henry please." Snow muttered behind me.

"Henry. Don't forget what I said." Pan warned. I glared at Pan.

"Don't twist his mind Pan!" I yelled. He turned to me and smiled.

"Me? Twist his mind? Oh no. It is you all who has done that. Right Henry?" He asked turning back to the confused boy.

Henry nodded slowly.

"Henry don't!" Emma yelled. But the boy didn't listen. He took the red heart in his hand and slammed it into Pan's chest, making the air around him ripple as if it was water.

Just as he did it, Henry fell to the ground, his eyes were closed.

"Henry!" Emma screamed, running over to the boy. As she ran she whipped her sword away from her, nicking Pan in the arm. He laughed, his face bright as ever and a new glow appeared around him.

The group and I ran after Emma, with our swords in front of us.

"It's too late. The boy is dead." Pan called out laughing. As he did so, he started to rise from the ground.

"Not yet he's not." A voice said from behind. I turned around and saw to my surprise a person with a gold glow around her.


Something about her was different. Either the way she stood changed or the glow from the goldish sand impacted her because she looked almost as radiant as gold itself. Her blue eyes flashed angrily and her hair shined gold around her like a halo.

Her stance made her grounded and yet her arms were out beside her with both hands opened wide as if she was reaching for something invisible.

"Lottie?" A voice muttered from behind me. It was cut short however by a laugh from Pan.

"Look who finally came back from the dead!" He called out happily up in the air. Lottie's eyes sparkled a mischievous glance toward us before looking back at Pan.

"Give them the boy's heart back." She demanded. Pan chuckled.

"No! Why would I? I've won! Peter Pan never fails!" He started to flout through the window as he spoke. I looked back at Lottie and saw that her hands started to glow and alongside that her eyes turned purple.

I looked back at Pan and saw that he looked at Lottie daringly.

"Give me your best shot." He dared.

Lottie didn't even answer. She twirled her arms around her, grasping what looked like energy that started to turn different colors. Turning her hands toward Pan, she let loose the ring of colors causing the energy around her to move very fast toward Pan.

The air over took Pan pushing him far out over the ocean away from skull island until it landed in the water far off.

I turned back to Lottie and saw that she ran to the window. I gapped at her surprised. I mean yes I have seen parts of her magic side come out but nothing like that. I walked over to her while Regina muttered instructions to the group.

"Lottie?" I said as I walked up to her. She didn't fix her gaze from the window.

"We have to go after him Jill." I looked out of the window and nodded slowly.

"How can we get the heart though?"

"I can." Regina answered from behind me. I turned and saw that she was walking toward us. The rest of the group stood by Henry however their gazes were fixed on Regina.

"But first we need to find out where he would go." Lottie nodded.

"We have to go to the camp. The lost boys would know." Lottie replied. I nodded.

"I know there is a secret place that Pan sometimes go too however where it is I do not know." I replied. Lottie nodded again.

"It will take us awhile to get the camp in order." Emma called out. Secretly I agreed. Pan had too many lost boys out to guard the camp. There was no way we could get the camp in our control in time. Lottie laughed, puzzling everyone in the room.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, half convinced Lottie had gone crazy. Lottie turned away from the window and faced me with a small smile on her lips.

"The camp is already in our control." She replied.

"How?" I asked. Lottie looked around.

"You all don't happen to know where my mother is do you?" Tinkerbelle laughed, shocking everyone around her. She turned to Lottie and had a wicked smile on her face.

"Looks like we don't have to waste time attacking the camp after all. I have a feeling Alex with be waiting for us there. Sitting on a throne of course." Tink explained. Lottie nodded.

I chuckled.

"Okay then. Let's go."

Hey there!

As Promised: A new chapter.

I will update again tomorrow for you all so look out for that one haha

lots of love


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