Find the Demon

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**Lottie POV**

Mom led us to Rumpelstiltskin's shop where she was told to wait for the others to join later on once they found the boy.

It was an old pawn shop with the strangest objects in view. When we entered the store, a bell rang to announce our entrance. The sound of footsteps was heard and shortly followed were the owners: a woman and Rumpelstiltskin. When Rumple saw us, he relaxed his stance and looked at us strangely.

"Why are you here without the boy?" Alex walked forward, starting to look at the things around her.

"I was with them but then I realized that my daughter was in danger while Pan was out on the loose. I decided to bring her here since she is safest with you. Understanding her words, I glared at my mother.

"I am not staying here mom." I informed her angrily. Jill looked between my mother and me and decided to stay quiet as she drifted off to the side of the room. My mother sighed and turned back to Rumple, ignoring me completely.

"Can you help?" She asked. Rumpelstiltskin turned to the woman next to him and she nodded, giving him a sly smile. He turned back to my mother.

"Unfortunately, I am about to leave this place to search for him myself. The girl will have no protection here. Only Belle would be here." He replied, mentioning the woman Belle to his right. Belle rolled her eyes.

"Oh Rumple let her stay. She can help me here while you go out. We might be able to find how to get the two boys out of each other's bodies if she helps me." Belle then turned to me.

"Do you like books?" That made me freeze my anger toward my mother and look back at Belle with a bit of hope in me. I heard my mom laugh.

"Oh Belle of course. You must be from Beauty and the Beast. To answer your question, yes Lottie is a big fan of books. It is hard to get her head out of a book actually." Belle chuckled and turned back to Rumple.

"She will stay with me while you go out with Alex. Jill can stay with me as well." Jill made a noise.

"I'd rather be fighting then reading books." Alex nodded in Jill's direction.

"You can scout if you really must come but Lottie stays here. Understand?" She asked turning to face me. I nodded slowly.

"Yes mom."

With those final words my mother with Rumple and Jill left the store, leaving the sound of the bell ringing behind them. Once they left I heard a pair of heels walk toward me making me turn to face Belle.

"How good are you when it comes to finding magic spells in books?" She asked eyeing me. I shrugged.

"Never done it before but there is always a first." She smiled and motioned me toward the back of the store where we would spend the next few hours researching.

**Alex POV**

"So what is this vault exactly and why would Regina hide Henry there?" I asked, walking beside Rumple.

"Regina's vault is where she keeps all her magic from the old world to here. Everything from her past life is stored there. She hid the boy there thinking that was the best place to protect him since the magic can be used as a defense.."

"Or a trap in of itself." Jill added as she ran to catch up to us.

"So Regina just showed Pan where all her dark magic is?" I asked. Jill nodded making me groan.

"Is there even a possibility that he will still be there?" Jill asked nervously. Rumple shook his head.

"With the time that he has most likely been there, while he knew perfectly well that we were about to let out his body double, Pan would have done everything to speed up his plan. So no Jill, he will most definitely not be there."

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