The Demon is Out

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**Alex POV**

I looked at Pan in confusion. No way was that possible. I saw it for myself how Pan was the one trapped in the box, not Henry. And yet, the news made sense as well. When I looked at the person in front of me, I did not see the normal dark suggestiveness that I normally saw from that body's owner. I saw innocence and youth.

"How can I believe you?" Emma demanded, lifting her gun again up to Pan's face. I looked at the person in silence. Not sure whether or not I should say something or just watch.

Pan started naming off memories of playing on a playground to eating hot coco with cinnamon. Emma lowered her gun slowly.

"No! Don't trust him! He could have learned all this from Henry in Neverland."  Rumple warned. Emma nodded in agreement, again raising the gun.

"You're right. Pan uses facts. You have to tell me something else." She demanded. Pan looked down cast fallen.

"What else can I tell you?" There was a silence before Emma said anything.

"The first time we connected. Pan wouldn't understand feeling. Tell me when Henry and I connected." Pan smiled, but this smile was not an evil one like normal. It was a genuine one.

"At the castle. My hideout." Emma lowered her gun immediately and ran to the boy and hugged him.

"Oh my god Henry!" She murmured as she hugged him. I looked at the two of them in shock. A feeling of pure dread seemed to appear inside me almost instantly as she acknowledged the truth.

Pan was in Henry's body.

They crossed the line and Pan or rather, Henry hugged both of the Charmings. He walked around the line giving everyone either a hug of a say a few words. When he came to me he stopped.

"Henry this is Alex, Lottie's mother. You remember Lottie right?" Emma asked as she walked up next to her son. The familiar green eyes looked at me with familiar interest. It was strange to see them look at me in such a way.

"We've met.. once. Pan was lying about everything he said about you wasn't he?" The boy asked. It was hard to say anything at first. When the boy spoke, he still spoke like Pan which made my brain give out warning signs to either say something really sarcastic or cause the boy to feel immense pain. Both of these ideas I had to fight down before I spoke.

"Knowing Pan, it would be best to go on a clean slate." I held out my hand.

"My name's Alex." The boy smiled and instead of shaking my hand, hugged me.

Again this was a strange event, mainly because although I kept saying in my head on replay that the person I was hugging was Henry, my eyes told differently.

When he let go I looked at him in surprise.

"Sorry..I just know you've been going through a lot." I smiled.

"Thanks kid." I saw Emma smile at my words.

"I call Henry that all the time Alex. Looks like we have our similarities after all." I chuckled.

"Um, excuse me. Sorry to interrupt this feast going on here. We've got an issue involving Pan running around loose in Storybrooke." Rumple called out. That snapped us into reality.

"I can't believe it. Henry was trapped in the box this whole time and we have... been letting him go free around us this whole time and no one noticed." Snow started. The group nodded at her words

"What do we do? Where do we find him? Regina took him somewhere we did not know." I asked quickly.

"Her vault; if she wanted to protect him that is where she would go." Emma responded quickly. Rumple nodded.

"If you find him, bring him to my workshop. I will be able to change the two back." With those words everyone parted.

Rumpelstiltskin and the woman who I know found out to Belle went one way while the rest of us went the other.

**Lottie POV**

"I'm not hungry thank you." Dorothy responded as Granny took our orders. Granny gave Dorothy a look before returning to the kitchen, muttering as she went.

"Really Dorothy? Are you trying to starve yourself?" Alice asked, eyeing the other with a look of angry mother-like attention. Dorothy shrugged.

"Not on purpose. I mean I am trying to lose some weight. The food here is a lot to take in for lunch and plus this is the only restaurant and I am going out here later tonight with the others." Alice rolled her eyes at the comment and turned to me.

"You look hungry. I'm guessing this adventure of yours took quiet a lot out of you." I nodded while Jill rolled her eyes.

"Alice this was her first adventure, give her a break." Alice's eyes widened.

"Your age and this is only your first adventure?" I nodded sheepishly.

"Not that many adventure opportunities up in Maryland." I replied. Jill nodded in agreement.

"There is almost none in this land."

"I remember my first adventure.." Alice began.

"We know already Alice. It's in every story book on this planet now shut up." Lucy said, cutting the other off. Alice rolled her eyes and relaxed into her chair.

"Mine involved dancing mice." Clara started. Lucy sighed.

"Here we go again." She muttered. I laughed, understanding that this must be a regular.

Right when Clara started to speak in great detail about her wondrous adventure, Granny came out again carrying four dishes in her arms. She placed them out in front of most of us and then returned a few seconds later carrying the last two plates.

I looked down happily at my grilled cheese and was about to start eating when the door to the restaurant opened and my mother walked over to where I sat in two strides.

"Lottie you have to come with me now." She demanded, grabbing ahold of my arm as she spoke.

"Wait. Why?" I asked confused. Jill and the rest of the girls looked up in curious manners as they watched the scene in front of them. Mom sighed and turned toward the others sitting in the restaurant and leaned in closer to our table.

"Pan and Henry switched bodies.."

"Pan is out free?" Clara screeched. The whole restaurant went silent and all eyes went to my mother. She nodded her head slowly, granting everyone's worst fears to be true.

Once she moved her head an inch the whole restaurant went crazy. Everyone stood up and ran out of the restaurant or started to complain loudly in their seats while Granny ran throughout the place yelling at costumers to pay their bills before leaving.

My mother turned to me again.

"Let's go. We have to find him." I nodded and stood up, leaving my now forgotten grilled cheese.

"Wait! I'm coming with you." Jill called out as she jumped out of her seat. My mother nodded and together the three of us ran out of the restaurant and into the street. 

Hey guys

I am so sorry I did not post yesterday. My WiFi was out for some reason and it was fixed late last night and I had no time to post the chapter. I will make up for it by posting a chapter on father's day (tomorrow) so you'll still get the same amount of chapters.

Sorry for this boring chapter. It's a filler chapter.

Lots of Love


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