Prove It

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"Who are you?" She asked.

"Someone you do not want to kill." I replied quickly. I saw people from behind her staring at me as if I was a meal and I curled up. When Jill saw me she went white in the face.

"She's the lost girl I saw earlier!" Jill exclaimed as she walked up toward me. I opened my mouth to respond but then shut it again.

"What is a lost girl doing here in our camp?" One lady asked as she stared down at me with her sore expression still plastered on her face. I looked up at her as she spoke and that's when I noticed something strange. I felt like I had seen her before but I had no clue how.

"We are getting to that Regina." Emma replied as she looked down at me again.

"Were you spying on us?" She asked. I shook my head frantically.

"Obviously she is lying! I saw her only a day ago spying on us. Looks like she couldn’t help but come back to see what we were up too huh lost girl?" Jill responded. My gaze lifted back up to hers and glared back.

"I was talking to Peter Pan earlier. Next thing I knew I was transported here." I replied sternly, not breaking eye contact with Jill as I spoke. Regina made a noise at my response and turned her head away from me.

"Get rid of her. She is just another trap set up by Pan to get us side tracked from Henry." Regina started as she looked back at me.

"No. Maybe there is more to the story Regina." Another woman spoke up. Before the woman was watching me quietly with a worried look on her face but when Regina spoke up she came to my defense. Regina glared back at her as if she was stupid and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a man standing next to the woman.

"Snow is right. Maybe this girl is just trying to help us?"

"Yea like a lost girl would disobey Pan's orders. I don't believe it mate." Hook commented as he looked down at me.

"Tie her to the tree. We can deal with her tomorrow." Emma commanded. She stood up and put her sword back in its holder and walked off. For a moment everyone looked confused at the sudden change of focus but then slowly, starting with the pirate, they did as was told.

When I was finally tied down to one of the trees everyone seemed to relax a little.

"Jill you watch her since you seem to be all friendly with her." Hook commented. Jill gave him a look which he returned. Seeing that she would go nowhere with the argument, she took out her blade and sat off to the side near me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here Lottie?" She whispered quietly so that only she and I could hear. I shrugged.

"Trying to get a new prospective of this place I guess." I replied.

"I warned you that we would not be friends here if I ever saw you with them. If they want to they will kill you in order to get the boy."

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora