Light 'em Up

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**Alex POV**

"Hurry Kid!" I called behind me as I raced down the last hill, leaving the forest and entering the streets of Storybrooke. Henry followed behind me, not missing a step as we ran.

"His shop is that way!" Henry pointed off to a side street. I turned that way and let Henry pass me as we ran. At first I thought it was only because of a side street however the longer we ran in the town the sooner I realized that something was wrong. No one was around in the town. So far we had passed almost no one.

"Henry?" I called out confused. He stopped dead in his tracks then making me run over to him to see what he was looking at. Then I froze.

We stood right in the shadow of a long building that let out onto the big main street in Storybrooke. And in the middle of the street stood all of our friends. They were placed there, staying still as if they were in a picture however no one was smiling. And in the middle, standing in front of them stood the game maker himself.


"What should we do?" Henry whispered. I stared at the group nervously. I saw My daughter standing right next to Belle who stood next to Neal. Those were the two Pan was nearing with a wicked look on his face.

"Alex?" Henry spoke, grabbing me attention.

"I'm not sure Henry. The best thing we can do is watch and be unseen. If he sees you, he might grab your heart again and this time your mothers won't be able to do anything since they seem frozen." I replied. He nodded, but edged closer to the end of the building all the same. I walked carefully next to him.

"Pan!" I turned my head and saw Rumple walk out into the open, facing Pan. I sighed.

"Good. Now Rumple can deal with this." I muttered. Henry nodded.

"We have to do something Alex." I nodded, understanding the plea in his voice.

"Let me think buddy." I replied as I started to look around. There were lights that wrapped up over the street, crossing to buildings above as well as a light post right next to us. However it was not dark yet for the light to be on.

"I am not going to let you hurt any of them..." I heard Rumple say defensively.

"Oh really? Well I would like to see you try." Pan dared.

"If Rumple is going to go after him, then we should take Pan's attention off of Rumple." Henry thought. I could tell he was trying to come up with an idea as well. I nodded. I turned away from the street and instead followed the electric cord that stood attached to the hanging lights on the streets.

There has got to be a plug around here somewhere. I thought as I walked deeper into the shadows.

"What are you doing?" I heard Henry whisper from behind me. I waved him away.

"Watch what is going on over there. I'm going to set fire to the lights." I warned. Henry's eyed the street lights and looked at me widened eyed.

"How are you going to do that?" I shrugged and turned away from him, still searching for the light plug. I found it at the end of the store in a plug that was in the ground that had a hatch. It was plugged in but a turning switch was right beside it with different amounts of electricity to use. A piece of tape stood next to the second mark of electricity with a warning about not going any further with the electricity.

Warning: Use of Electric bolts over this setting will be uncontrollable for the sparkle lights and will cause them to break. Dangerous. Please turn on at exactly 7:30pm every night.

I chuckled. Perfect. I turned back to Henry.

"What's going on?" I whispered over to him.

"Rumple is saying goodbye to Neal and Belle.. Why would he do that Alex?" I looked down at the switch with a frown.

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