Skull Island

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**Jill POV**

"Come on we have to hurry before he does something." Emma cried, running onto the soil of the new island. I ran along after her, sensing something off about the island.

"By how loud you said that Pan most definitely knows we are here." Regina said angrily, walking behind me. Emma seemed to ignore her.

"We reached the entrance and were about to walk through when Rumple called us to stop.

"There is magic at work there." He said as he walked closer.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked hurriedly. I took a step closer to the line in the soil and that's when I saw the goldish haze.

"He's right." I muttered. Rumple chuckled.

"Of course I'm right. Pan wouldn't just let you walk in. This is a seal. Only those who have no shadow can enter." He replied. Emma looked at the group and saw everyone look at Rumple puzzled.

"How is it possible?" Charming asked.

"Well as you know, Pan already has an evil shadow that is detached from his body. He can pass this line but that's about it." Hook replied. Rumple chuckled.

"No, that's not about it Hook. For only a few hours ago, I too detached myself from my shadow. Which means I can pass the line." He then turned away from the group and took a step over the line. The goldish haze shifted slightly as he passed but did not hurt him. I watched in awe as he turned back to face us with his hands out wide.

"See? No shadow." Emma looked around desperately.

"How do we get rid of our shadows Gold?" Rumpelstiltskin shook his head.

"You do not have the tools to complete such a task. I am sorry but you all must trust me and allow me to go on by myself."

"Your insane! You actually believe I will let you go near my son." Baelfire stated angrily from the back to the group. Rumpelstiltskin face blackened for a moment.

"You have no choice. None of you can get through." Emma looked at Regina and together they seemed to come up with an agreement.

"We're wasting time here arguing. Gold, go find my son. We'll find a way up there." Emma ordered. He nodded and turned up the passageway leaving us in the dust. I turned away from the cave and looked out at the water. It was dark now with only the moon casting a light upon us. It was brighter then it was normally which seemed strange.. almost as if it was planned.

"Emma." I started. The group turned to me and saw me facing the water.

"What's the matter Jill?" Snow asked, walking over to me. I nodded toward the moon.

"Is it possible to do something over this moon? Emma can perform magic correct?" I asked, turning around to face the group. The news dawned on them and the Regina was by my side followed by Emma in a matter of seconds.

"I couldn't do anything by myself." Emma started.

"But maybe with my help the Savior might move the moon in order to cast no shadows upon us." Regina finished. The two looked at each other and then back at the moon. Together they raised their hands and pointed toward the moon.

"On my count."




**Lottie POV**

There were torches everywhere in the cave making the place light up like a pumpkin during Halloween. The place was all rock, including the floor. I heard Pan's voice echo from the corner of the island and started running through the skull looking for a place to hide Unfortunately, there were no coves or hiding corners to take refuge. While I spent my time thinking I heard Pan's voice echo closer toward where I stood.

I was out of time. I quickly ran to the wall that was in the shadow and stood still. I was basically in the open but the shadow was covering me and I only had one hope that Pan would not look my way when he passed.

"What are you doing?" Henry's voice echoed close to the entrance. I didn't dare move to check where they were. I decided to stay put and just hold my breath.

"Adding one last protective measure to this place." Pan's voice replied hastily. Protective measure? Ah, that must be that protective field against the group and me... It was then that it dawned on me that I was here by myself against Pan and a clueless Henry. I expected the boy to understand that he should run when he saw me but instead he decided to follow Pan. He wasn't officially on Pan's side yet right?

Just then both Henry and Pan appeared in the passageway. Henry looked nervous but curious at the same time while Pan seemed to be absorbed in some other matter in his mind. When he walked passed me I half expected him to turn around and fling another knife at my gut but instead he kept going, his hands clutched into fists and his stance was stiff.

I watched as they continued to walk past me and up the stairs until they were out of sight. I took it to myself to follow them and so I did. Carefully, making sure to stay in the shadow, I walked up the stairs leading to the next level of the island. When I reached a dark spot in the wall on the next floor I stopped. Pan was waiting there. He was alone as well which struck me as odd.

Just then a voice was heard from down below. I saw Pan show a small smile on his face. He knew they were coming, the group. By the sounds of the voices it sounded like the whole entire group was there. I looked at Pan and saw that He quickly opened his hand and let a wisp of magic cast over his palm to reveal a box of strange metal. What was that?

Just then I heard a noise from the stairwell. Pan heard it as well and turned around toward the window, keeping his back to the stairwell. Moments later I saw Rumpelstiltskin appear. He had something in his hand. The box. The same box.

It was then that I made my mistake. I made a noise in my throat. Rumple turned in my direction and that was when I knew he saw me. My eyes widened and he looked at me surprised. I placed a finger to my mouth and he nodded slowly. He even winked at me as he passed. He had a plan, that I could tell.

"Well hello there Papa." Pan turned around and smiled a dark smile.

If I thought my eyes could widen anymore I was wrong.

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