The Queen of Neverland

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Lottie POV

I felt bliss... everywhere around me. I was warm and soft and at ease. I had no pains, no fears, nothing. But where was I?

I slowly opened my eyes only to shut them again. A bright light had hit me smack in the face sending a shock wave through me. Now I could feel the slow breeze going over my nose and fingers and the feeling of a soft warm glow filling me. That must be that light on my skin.

I opened my eyes again- this time expecting the bright light. This time around my eyes didn't focus on the light. It focused on the trees around me.

Trees? Where did I go? Who placed me here? I looked down at myself and saw a thin white dress that framed myself. I looked around again curious.

Where was I?

I sighed and slowly stood up. I was expecting the blood in my head to cause me to fall over again but nothing happened. I was stable.... and light.

For some strange reason I felt easy and light. It was as if I had lost a lot of fat while I slept and woke up to feeling like a wind could blow me away. At the thought of being blown off the ground I looked down and almost screamed.

I was no longer on the ground. I was slowly flying upward, away from the dark forest earth that stood parallel towards me and the trees. As I rouse from the trees, I looked up at the sky and saw that the sky was neither dark nor light. It was a mix between night and day however the sky was not gloomy either. It was just.. there. Tiny stars glistened in the sky and as I started to go higher above the trees, I started to see the stars coming closer to me.

Just as I was about to lull myself into a daze from the stars, I snapped out of it and looked back down. The view from where I stood or rather flew was amazing and shocking at the same time. I was no longer in storybrook. But where was I?

I brought myself forward through the air and moved above the tips of the trees looking for some sort of building complex. There had to be a log cabin at least somewhere in this forest. As I neared the end of the forest I saw something from down below that caught my eye.

A boy.

He stood down in the forest looking up at me with a smile on his face that proved he was up to no good. When he saw me look at him, he laughed and turned away from me and ran.

The shock of seeing someone took me by such surprise that I felt myself falling to earth very quickly instead of gracefully sinking.

I landed with a smack on the ground but stood up as if nothing was wrong with me. Again i felt a hazy feeling cross over me as I stood up and looked around for the boy. I heard him before I saw him running a little off away from me. He turned to look at me quickly before dashing off with me at his heels.

"Hey! Stop!" I called out as I ran after him. When I said the command I was surprised to see him go ridged and stop. He turned toward me as I neared him and I saw his face clearly for the first time. He looked extremely familiar but I could not place where I saw him before.

He was a little older than me and it was noticeable by his height as he toward over me but he could not have been older than 18 years old.

He crossed his arms and smiled down at me as I looked at him confused.

"Welcome Home Lottie." He started with a cheerful voice.

"How do you know my name?" I asked confused.

"Everyone here knows your name. You're the one in charge." A voice replied from behind me. I turned around sharply to find another boy, much younger than the first standing in the bushes. His bright blonde hair made him pop out of the trees making me wonder why I did not see him before.

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