Chapter Twenty: Separated

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Chapter 20: Separated

I love Sophie. It's been two days without her, and it's been terrible. 

"Niall, it's been two days since you ate. Come on, you need to eat," Liam spoke through the cellphone.

"I can't eat. I can't live. Without Sophie, I no longer have the reason to live," I said sadly.

"I know you miss her, but you can't destroy yourself over this. Come on. Your fans need you. We have to go to a signing today. You're going to need energy." Liam said.

"Fans are the reason why my Sophie is gone." I defended.

"Come on. I'll take you to Nando's."

"Whatever." I said and hung up. I don't even want to go to Nando's. I don't want to go anywhere without my Sophie. I love her and I miss her. Without her, I'm nothing.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Niall, open the door!" I knocked. I waited for a few minutes, then I knocked again, "Niall. It's me, Liam. Open the door, won't ya, mate?" I waited for a few more minutes. I was about to knock the door again, when Niall opened up.

"What?" He said, dressed in his pajamas with his hair unbrushed.

"Niall! We're going to Nando's, get dressed!" I spoke loudly.

"I don't wanna go, and don't shout with me!" He shouted.

I walked in the house and into Niall's room. Niall sat at his PC, moping while strolling through pictures of Sophie. I walked over to him, "Look Niall. I know you miss her, but you have to get over her. Let's go-"

"How can I?" He boomed, "I fell in love with her since she was nine. NINE, LIAM! I fell in love with her for eight years and now when I have the guts to tell her, she's gone! How do you think I feel? I have to find her, Liam. I have to."

I just sat there, dumbfounded. Then I thought for a second before speaking, "Look, I know you miss her, but at least eat. You're literally starving yourself. After you eat, and if you still want to go find her, I won't stop you, but you HAVE to eat."


Sophie's P.O.V.

So yesterday as soon as I got off the plane, I enrolled for a new school and the police dyed my hair black. I guess it was to change my identity.

It's lunchtime. There's been a boy that's been stalking me the whole day. I turn around to see him walking up to me. I spoke, "You've been following me the whole day today. Something wrong?"

His kind face smiled, "Sorry. I just think... that you know... you look familiar, like I feel like I have seen you somewhere."


He said, thinking, "Yeah. Like someone in a concert. Concert. Coldplay? No. Oh! One Direction! You're one of their friends or something."

"Actually, I'm supposed to be one of their girlfriends, but I got shot in the head, or as they say. I don't know what happened, really. How can you tell?"

"Your eyes. I can recognize people's eyes easily. You were on the news," He said. I looked away in fear. He then said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. So what's your name?"

"Sophie." I said.

"Well, Sophie, I'm Austin." He said, as we walked together to the cafeteria.

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