Chapter Nineteen: As You Take What's Left Of You And I

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Chapter 19: As You Take What's Left Of You And I

All us mates were hanging around at my house. We were just messing around and stuff, then suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I got it!!" I shouted as I raced to the door. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see two policemen at my door, so I asked, "Is there something wrong?" Liam followed.

The two policemen took out their badges out and showed it to me. They spoke up, "Um, yes, we're here to take Sophie away."

My eyes widened, "Sophie? As in Sophie Delilah Brown?"

"Yes. Sophie Delilah Brown. Age 17, has a mother that just died, and her sister is currently dating Harry Styles, one of your bandmates, I suppose?"

"Is this because you saw her take in some alcohol a month ago and then we got drunk and had sex? Look. I'm sorry for that, but please don't take her away!" I broke. I fell to my knees, covered my face with my hands, and started crying. 

Liam looked down at me then looked back up, he asked, "What seems to be the reason?"

"We are to transport her to the Americas for her safety. It's one of the guidelines that must be followed when something this dangerous happens."

I uncovered my face and looked up to see Liam's mouth dropped open. I then looked up at the officer with a face of fear.

"Look. I don't have all day. If Sophie is here, then get her-"

I stood up and interrupted the officer with, "She's not here! She's at Danielle's house."

Liam gave me a weird look and said, "What? No, she's not. She's upstairs." I shot him a look of anger. Liam went to get Sophie.

"Look, Mr. Horan, we know you don't want the love of your life to be taken away, but I gotta do what I gotta do." Sophie walked downstairs, always beautiful from head to toe. 

The officer lead my love to the car, but I stopped him, "Wait! Sophie, before you go, I wanna give you something." I ran inside the house and came back out with a DVD case in my hand. "Here. It's for you. I love you. Don't ever forget me, babe because I'll never forget you." I handed it to hers and hugged her, digging my face in her shoulders, muscles tight around her body, while weeping quietly. I looked up and at her face. I crashed my lips into hers and held out for as long as I could. When I let go, she turned away with a blank expression and walked to the car. I whispered, "I love you, Sophie." I stood there and watched the car pulled away.

Liam walked me into the house, closing the door behind me. I stood there, hugging Liam and crying into his shoulders, while whispering, "I love her so much. I love her, and she left. She's gone. I love her so much." I continued crying. Liam walked me upstairs while the rest of the guys were downstairs. I sat in my room, crying while listening to the song that Ed wrote for us, Moments.

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