Chapter Nine: Five Naked Boys

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Chapter 9: Five Naked Boys

I woke up next morning, hearing someone talked. Niall was naked again, and he was rubbing his penis while mumbling something. Is he talking in his sleep? I felt disgusted seeing him naked, so I threw my blanket over his body. I'll just have to bleach this later.

I went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. When I finished, I looked in the mirror. What is that blurry thing behind me? I turned around, and I saw Zayn, naked and in my showerstand. I screamed and ran out the bathroom.

Perrie ran upstairs to where I was, and asked, "What's wrong?"

I shouted, "What's wrong!?! You're asking me what's wrong? Do you not see? Zayn is naked and in my showerstand. Why is he naked and why is he in my showerstand?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Today's the band special day though, so I was here asking if you want to come shopping with the rest of the girls. I'm going back downstairs and making breakfast. Want any?" She said and walked back downstairs.

"Sure." I answered. 

Niall ran out of the room naked, looked at me and said, "I heard a scream. Are you okay?" He hugged me and whispered in my ears, "You're warm."

I pushed him away and said, "And you're naked, Nialler."

He looked down and laughed, "Yes. I am naked, but it feels nice!" He wanked his penis in my face.

"Eww, Nialler! Put on some clothes."

"Fine." He wanked it in my face again, and walked back into my room.

Ugh. Boys can be so weird sometimes. I walked downstairs to meet Perrie and the rest of the girls. "So we're shopping at the mall today, girls?"

"Duhhh, where else would we shop?" Ashley retorted, and handed me my breakfast. "Now eat fast and go change."

I ate my breakfast and ran upstairs as fast as I could. Niall was standing at the top and he still had no pants on. He smiled seeing me running up the stairs. He held me when I got to the top and wouldn't let me go. He whispered in my ear, "Why are you in a rush, babe? Are you excited to see me already?"

"Nialler, I'm not having sex with you. Well, not yet. And two, I'm going shopping, so I ran upstairs to go change."

Niall let go of me and said, "Oh." He made a sad face.

"I'm going shopping," I said and walked into the room. I went and change clothes. I was out in a flash. I turned towards Niall and gave him a peck on the cheek, then started for the stairs. Halfway down, I shouted, "You five stay out of my stuff if you're staying here, and Nialler, put on some clothes!"

Us five girls walked out the front door, and the door slammed shut. Niall walked into my bedroom, still naked and looked around. "Hey, what's this?" Niall said to himself and picked up my diary. Flipping the pages, he read each entry. His eyes widened.

Zayn walked out of the bathroom, naked and into my bedroom. Seeing Niall, he screamed. "Oh my god, Niall! I didn't expect to see you here!"

Niall looked up at Zayn, seeing him naked, shocked also. He answered and asked, "Well you should, I stayed overnight at her house. And why are you naked?"

"I was in the shower."

"Why were you in her shower?"

"Because my water shut off in my mansion. I don't know how it works."

"Couldn't you just use Harry's apartment?"

"Nope, theirs were being used by Louis and plus, Sophie has a nice bathroom."

"You're weird, Zayn."

"I'm weird? You're weird. You're the one who wants to have sex with her."

"Well, Sophie has a nice body. And I'm a horny teenage boy, I get turned on easily."

"Figures. Nice penis, by the way. It's very long. How many inches?"

"I don't know! I don't measure it." Niall shrugged and shouted.

"You don't measure it? I measure mine, Louis and Harry measure theirs. Of course, I measure mine with a ruler, 8 inches by the way, and they measure theirs with each other's throats." Zayn said and laughed.

Niall made a gag face and shouted, "Ewwwwww!"

Zayn laughed again and said, "I'm kidding. They measure with rulers, too."

Harry and Louis walked in, finding downstairs completely empty, and ran upstairs. When they reached the top, they shouted, "Oh my God! Niall! Zayn! Why are you two naked, especially in Sophie's house? And where are the girls?"

Niall looked over to Harry and said, "I just woke up, and Zayn was in the shower. The girls went shopping, and we were just discussing about our penises." He looked at Louis and said, "Do you and Harry actually measure your penises with each other's throats?"

Harry's eyes widened and they both shouted, "NO!"

"Where did you hear that?" Louis asked.

"Zayn told me..." Niall said.

"As a joke," Zayn added.

"No, we don't do that. We're not gay! But I read that part in Room 317, a Larry Stylinson fanfiction. Some Directioners can be so weird." Harry explained.

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