Chapter Seventeen: Smashed Into A Thousand Pieces

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Chapter 17: Smashed Into a Thousand Pieces

I woke up on a bed in a strange room. I looked around trying to find something or someone similar. A young man with blonde hair looked up. He smiled at me, and for some reason, I smiled back. I looked around the room again and saw a monitor, a rack with machines on it, some chairs, and clear doors. I felt an urge to ask the man what happened, how it happened, and where I was.

So I opened my mouth and said, "What happened? And who are you?"

The young man gave me a weird look that he was shocked to hear what I asked. He spoke, "An incident happened. You were shot by some psycho fan. The police caught them-" He stopped describing and changed the subject, "Do you not remember me?"

"No I don't. Who are you?" I answered.

He was displaying a sad face and answered, "I'm Niall, your boyfriend. Remember? We were at a concert? I was getting in a limo with you."

"I have boyfriend? You're my boyfriend?"


"But I don't even know you..."

Niall facepalmed himself. "You got shot in the head by some fan, and now you don't remember anything. Oh my God." He said. I just sat there and tried to remember, but I couldn't. I looked at my hands, they were tiny and pale. One of them had a needle in it, covered by some clear tape.

The nurse walked in and looked at me. "Great! You're awake. I thought you couldn't make it, the damage was severe."

"I know it's severe. She couldn't remember anything. She couldn't even remember me." Niall said sadly.

The nurse looked at him with a sad face. She then waked up to him and hugged him. "Oh. I'm so sorry. This must be very heartbreaking."

"It is." He answers while crying into her shoulder. I looked over to him and started quietly crying. I just wish I could remember everything. Niall heard me crying and stood up straight. He walked over to my side and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I can't remember anything. I can't even remember you! And you're supposed to be my boyfriend. What am I suppose to do?" I wailed.

Niall took my hand and held it, "I don't know, babe. I just don't know."

The nurse flipped to her clipboard and said, "Well, according to the data here. The brain is rehealing itself. She is okay to go home with you, but she can't go anywhere for the next two days. And there's a 6% chance she'll regain her memory. Let's just pray and hope for the best." She then walked to my other side and took my hand with the needle. She ripped off the tape and took out the needle. I screamed.

"Sorry." She said and put a bandaid in that spot. She then looked up at my head. "Um, sir, make sure she keeps that white strap around her head, and make sure she doesn't move so much."

Niall nodded and helped me get off the bed. He led me to a wheelchair, and I sat down. He then pushed the wheelchair out of the room and into the lobby.

There stood four other young men who saw me and smiled. I got out of the wheelchair when Niall stopped pushing it. A young girl standing by the tall curly hair boy walked up to me and hugged me. She said, "Oh Sophie! You're okay!!!!"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Ashley, your sister, do you remember me?" She reminded as she let go of me.

I pretended to remember by nodding my head. I then walked to Niall and whispered in his ear, "Who are these people?"

"These are our friends," He said. Then he pointed each one and said their names,"Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn." These boys looked at me and waved 'hi'. Niall looked at the curly hair boy which I suppose to be Harry. Niall asked, "Where are the other girls?"

Harry answered, "We dropped them off because we were then concerned for their safety."

"Right." Niall agreed. I sat back in the wheelchair and said nothing.

"Um, Niall, is there something wrong with her? She doesn't seem to be herself." The tallest one asked which I supposed was Liam.

"You have a nice ass." I said, pointing to the brown swiftie hair boy.

"Umm, thanks, Sophie..." He answered. He then turned to Niall, "There's something wrong with her! Your girlfriend just said I have a nice ass! I mean there's nothing wrong with complimenting about my ass, but that's something she wouldn't usually say."

"Alright, let me tell you," Niall said as he raised his arms, "She has amnesia. She can't remember anything. So she's talking to you like she doesn't even know you. Well at this state, she really doesn't know you. She can't even remember me! She doesn't know what happened, or how it happened."

"Oh God." Harry said.

Niall pushed me out the hospital as other guys followed us. We got in the limousine. I went in first, and Niall behind me. Niall sat next to me and held my hand. I watched as the others climbed in.

The boy with black hair spoke as they all sat down. "So, you don't remember us?"

"No, I don't. I wish I could, but I don't. I'm sorry."

We all sat quietly for a minute. Then Harry's phone rang. Ashley saw the phone lit up and she grabbed it before Harry got it. Ashley looked it at and asked, "Harry, why is that 32-year-old bitch calling you? I thought you two never spoke with each other anymore. Are you cheating on me? Ugh!!!" She then opened the car window and threw out his phone. It landed on the ground and smashed into tiny pieces.

"Ashley! My phone!" Harry shouted.

"Well, if you didn't cheat on me and have Caroline Flack calling you, then your phone wouldn't end up out of the car and into a thousand pieces!" Ashley shouted. Those two started bickering.

I looked at Niall and whispered in his ear, "Who's Caroline Flack?"

Niall whispered back into my ear, "Harry's ex-girlfriend."

"Oh." I said and stopped talking. I looked at the couple and they were still bickering. Both of their faces were red with anger.

Harry shouted louder, "Well, if you let me explain! None of this would have happened-"

"Explain? Explain what!?! That you're cheating on me?" Ashley interrupted.

"No! I am trying to tell you that-"

"You don't have to tell me anything. If you're going to cheat on me, then we're over! Paul, stop the car!!!"

The car screeched a stop and Ashley opened the door. She got out and started walking away, closing the door behind her.

"She was booking us an interview on X-Factor." Harry said quietly. He was now slumping down and started crying.

The limousine dropped Niall and I off at his house. Ashley was sitting on the porch, sobbing her eyes out. Niall sat down next to her and hugged her. Niall opened the front door and we all walked in.

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