Chapter Eight: Love and Lust

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Chapter 8: Love and Lust

We all started driving back to my house around 8pm. We had to stop by Louis', Liam's, Harry's, and Zayn's house for the boys to change, and to drop off the other girls. When we parked our cars in Niall's driveway, he ran inside and went to go change. 8:39pm. Oh my God. He seems eagered. Too bad he doesn't know what he's gonna do.

We walked into my house. Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn crashed on the couches. Harry holding Ashley and they were both snuggling. Aww.

I went upstairs to change into my pajamas. Then I went downstairs and stood in my kitchen waiting for Niall to come back here. I got tired of waiting, so I went and washed up the dirty dishes. "God. Where could he be?" I said, and looked at my watch. 8:43pm.

"Right here." Niall whispered in my ear. I jumped.

"Nialler, you scared me!" I said and turned around.

"Sorry." He apologized and hugged me. His arms tight around my waist, his head on my left shoulder. He whispered in my ear again, "Wanna go upstairs and have sex?"

I smiled. Perfect...

Niall took my hand and interlocked our fingers, then planting kisses along my neck. He picked me up and carried me to my room, closing the door behind him. He placed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. He held my hands and pushed them against the headboard. Leaning down close to me, he whispered in a horny mood, "So what are we going to do first?"

"Bang on the walls." I said.

"Bang on the walls? That sounds weird. Where did you learn this?"

"I watched it in a movie."

"But what does that have to do with sex?"

"Nialler, we're not really having sex. I am trying to make a joke. No, I don't want sex! I'm not ready for that!"

"Oh, well then why did you tell me that?" Niall asked, looking confused.

"Because I'm going to scare the shit out of Harry. I'm going to make it sound like we are, when we're really just gonna bang walls and eat lollipops."

"You're weird, Sophie."

"And that is why you love me." I reminded him. I looked into his eyes and kissed him. I then whispered, "Ok, now get up and started banging on the walls loudly and say dirty things."

Niall started banging hard on the walls with his hands. He shouted, "Oh my God, Sophie! You are so good! Oh God! Yes!" He started banging harder.

Downstairs, Harry heard a thump and woke up, "Did you hear that?"

Louis answered, "Harry, if you're hearing things again, shut up." He closed his eyes again and fell back asleep. Liam and Zayn lied on the other couch, unmoved.

Harry heard a thump again, "I swear I'm hearing it. I think it's coming from upstairs!" He got off the couch and quietly crept up the stairs. He walked towards my bedroom door. I saw his shadow at my door and started shouting, "More, Nialler, more! Harder, faster, more!!!!!!!!"

Harry aware of what's happening, he ran downstairs as quickly as possible, not caring about how loud he ran, to notify the other guys. "Guys! Wake up! Niall and Sophie... THEY ARE HAVING SEX!!!"

"No, they're not. They're probably just kissing or something. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even go that far." Liam reassured and laid back down.

"But I heard banging!"

Louis suggested, "Well, maybe they're having a pillow fight!" and took a couch pillow and threw it at Harry.

"But they were shouting 'More! More! Harder! Faster! Oh my God, you're so good!' Doesn't that tell you anything?"

"Maybe they are having sex. I mean they were practically making out before they even started dating." Zayn agreed.

Meanwhile, Niall and I were upstairs. We stopped banging on the walls, so we could hear Harry's voice. Niall let out a laugh, but I shushed him, so he wouldn't ruin the joke. I opened a drawer and pulled out two lollipops. "Nialler, now suck on this lolly and make dirtier noises." We smiled at each other. We are so dirty.

All four of them started walking upstairs. I could hear their heavy footsteps. I whispered, "Now, Nialler!"

Niall sucked on his lollipop and shouted, "Mmmmm. Oh my God! This is so good! Mmmm. Oh yeah! Oh my God. Yes!"

I sucked on my lollipop and started shouting, "Oh my God! Nialler! This is so good! Suck it!!! More! Mmmmm! Nialler! You are so good!"

I looked at Niall, and he looked at me back. We were practically trying to hold our laughs back.

Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayne widened their eyes. They were so shocked.

"I can't believe it. They're actually doing it!" Liam said.

"I told ya!" Harry whispered.

Louis then shouted, "Are you guys in there? I'm going to kick open this door and stop you two from making babies!" Louis kicked the door opened and saw two of us, sitting on the floor licking lollipops.

"And I'm going to make them bathe in Holy water after this," Liam added.

"Wait. But you two were making babies, right?" Harry asked.

"What are you talking about?" Niall asked, "Where just sitting here eating our lollies, just like any cute couple would do."

"Do you want any?" I asked and held out six wrapped up lollipops.

"B-b-but..." Harry stuttered.

"Harry. Shut up. You're just embarrassing yourself." Zayn said. Louis, Liam, and Zayn walked downstairs, leaving Harry standing here, humiliated.

Niall and I let out our laughs. Harry looked at us, "Why are you guys laughing?"

Niall looked at me, and asked, "Should I tell him?" I nodded.

"Tell me what?" Harry asked.

"We were playing a joke on you, Harry. Sophie and I banged the walls, licked our lollipops, and made dirty noises, just to get you thinking that we were having sex. We planned this all out. You thought we were having sex. You are truly the perverted one." Niall explained it all.

"Well, I'm going home." Harry shouted, walking downstairs.

"Bye!!!" We shouted from my room.

"Louis, Liam, Zayn, let's go." Harry ordered.

"Why?" Liam asked.

"They played a joke on me," and he walked out the door, followed by Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Zayn locked the door on the way out. Ashley was still asleep on the couch, unmoved.

"Sophie, now that we played your sex joke, can we have it for real?" Niall asked.


"Why not?"

"Because you don't need to see my naked body."

"But I've seen it before. And you've seen mine. It should be fine." He said, kissing my neck and trying to unbutton my shirt.

I pushed Niall away. "Nialler, I'm not ready. I'll tell you one day when I am." I said and sat on my bed. He sat next to me and hugged me. He is the best boyfriend ever, no matter how dirty he gets.

"Ok." Niall lied down on my bed. I lied right next to him. He scooted in closer. His crotch literally poking my thighs. His arms wrapped around me. He looked into my eyes and kissed me on the cheek before drifting off to sleep.

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