A Public Audition

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Third Person POV

...come on pickup



"WOW, thanks for damaging my ear drums!"

"Sorry, sorry! But you need to hear this!" Jerrica nearly begged.

"What is it? I haven't heard you this excise in weeks!" Mealla chuckled.

"AKB48 and Netflix are doing a collaboration! They're doing a live action recreation of the anime, and it's gonna be shot for shot! I mean, outside of adding in things the fans thought were missing." She rambled.

"Dude! That's so awesome!"

"I know, but I gets better!!"

Mealla simply hummed in response, for Jerrica to get on with it so she wouldn't keep waiting in suspense.

"They're holding open auditions from all over the world!"

Mealla audibly gasped from the other end of the call, before laughing in disbelief and excitement!

The two laughed and joked together for several minutes, excitedly talking about what this could mean for the show and any new or unknown actresses and actors who make it!

"Will you audition with me?" Jerrica asked, excitedly.

Her best friend's pause, caused her to anxiously hold her breath. She didn't want to audition alone, and she wanted to share this with her friend. But at the same time, understood she might not feel comfortable doing so.

"I really want to, but I can't make a decision like this without talking to Chris. If we make it through I can't just leave him home without me, without having a conversation about it first." She explained.

"That's fair, I already talked to Eraitt so I know he's okay with me auditioning. Let me know once you decide! Obviously, if the answer is no I completely understand." Jerrica responded, cheerily.

"Thanks, I just don't wanna make a big decision without him, ya know?"

"Course! I know you gotta go see your grandparents soon, so I'm gonna go check out the rules of the audition."

"Sounds good, talk to you later!"


Hanging up, Jerrica took a deep calming breath so she could properly listen to the audition instructions. Having audio processing issues sadly makes excitement and clearly listening sometimes non-compatible.

Clicking on the announcement video, she smiled at how they made an entire website just for this! Clicking on the English option for the video, the head of AKB48 and an English translator came on screen. The translator echoing the man's words.

"Hello, I am the head of AKB48, and I have a very special announcement for everyone! Our team has signed a contract with Netflix for a live action recreation of the anime based on our idol groups, AKB0048! Having an understanding of anime fans, we have come to the agreement to shoot every episode shot for shot! The only exceptions? Adding additional scenes the majority of fans have asked to see over the years. We will be having the fans contribute ideas, and vote on said ideas for these extra scenes!"

The excitement of this news welling up inside her, she waited for what mattered most to her in the moment.

"Last but not least, the audition process will be both public and national! Anyone and everyone can audition, and the process will be publicized so the fans can choose who they think fits each role best! So if you think you've got what it takes, give our audition page a visit! Good luck!"

When the video ended, she squealed with excitement falling back on her couch before springing back up to check out the audition page! She read over the rules and smiled at how similar it was to the show.

The repeated notifications of her phone caught her attention. Opening her messages her two other close friends had responded to her excitement over the audition, even expressing the desire to audition together!

Surprised, she made sure they knew making it through would have the whole world seeing their names and faces; something she knew tended to make them anxious. But to her delight, they had decided to do it anyways!

Enrique would only be able to audition for non-dancing roles as he's a man, but he had no issues considering his lack of coordination or desire for dance. Fainche on the other hand, was very excited to learn the routines!

Two days of excited talking, and planning later both Enrique and Fainche are driving down to audition together with Jerrica.

While practicing the routine, waiting for her friends to arrive, her phone begins ringing.


"Hey! What's up?" Mealla answered.

"Just practicing! Some of my other friends are also gonna audition so they're gonna come visit for a while while we get things going! What about you?" She smiled.

"That's awesome! That's actually why I was calling, Chris and I talked about it at length and decided it was a good idea! Though I'm sure I'll need a lot of help, since I'm not as familiar with the anime as you." She laughed.

"Hell yeah!! This is gonna be so awesome, and I'm super psyched to help you guys audition too!"

The two talked excitedly, planning on video calls for learning which dances and songs fit them best for the audition only hanging up when Jerrica's other friends arrive.

The three of them sharing hugs and conversation before getting into practice! While 'Shojotachi yo' is Jerrica's favorite song used in the anime, it has no real dance to go with it. So instead, they decided to go with 'Train of Rainbows' together. Mealla auditioning with the same, for convenience sake.

Every day Jerrica's husband Eraitt would ensure they had fresh and healthy food, as well as having them take breaks. Every so often, they would have him watch the original routine, to then watch them try and give some advice.

A few days of practice later, in video with Mealla and separately, it was time to film! Thankfully, they are permitted a group of up to 5 in the first audition so Jerrica and Fainche audition together! Enrique and Mealla only auditioning alone due to not being a dancer, and living far away.

Enrique's audition, as stated in the guidelines, was both an English and Japanese reading of all the male characters. And since the show will be shot in both languages, making sure he can sound convincing with both is important!

Now the group of friends excitedly wait for the results of the first round!

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