She struggled of course, screaming. she had fire in her that, he knew, that's what drew him to her in the first place and right now her being entrapped under him caused him to grow harder. He spread her thighs apart with his guys restraining her. He tried pulling her panties off but there was an interruption...

"When a girl doesn't want you,forcing her are signs of being pathetic and weak..."

Spinning around in fury,he saw a man in the shadows. Signaling for his men to cut him off,they all charged in on the stranger only to have their asses kicked. Annoyed at his men and their inability to do a simple task,he went to get the job done himself and got the beating of his life. He took to his heels and ran as fast as he could with his men trailing behind him.

With him coming closer and Lizzy's vision blurred.She couldn't make out who it was but she hoped to God for him to leave her alone.

"Please don't do this,am begging you" she begged weakly before she succumbed into the darkness and the last words she heard were that of a soothing angel.

"Hush,sleep now,I'll take care of you".

* * * *
Waking up with her whole body aching,she groaned. Sitting up with a jolt as last night's events replayed through her mind as flashes.

She glanced around the room,searching for anything familiar to tell her that it had all been a terrible dream but she found none. Instead,she found a shirtless man sitting on one of the leather couches.

She noticed that they were the only colours that dominated the whole room. The room had a contemporary chic look like one found in an exotic magazine cover. But what really made a difference was the powerful man sitting on the couch with his outstretched hand on a glass with a drink,staring at her with suspicious eyes. She couldn't help but stare back at him.

He looked even more handsome without his suit on. she could see the hard planes of his body and the ripple of muscle.

Then she shook her head back to reality,banishing those thoughts..

" what am I...?what are you...?"cutting herself short as she realized the mere stupidity of her question.

Then her memory clicked.
"You... " she said,her eyes widened in disbelief.

Then to contain her surprise ,she closed her eyes and breathed in deep.

A smile crept up on his lips,he couldn't help it. She looked adorable and somewhere in his mind,he couldn't admit it but she was beautiful even when she was asleep,he had watched her throughout the night.

He couldn't bring himself to work or sleep only to look at her face while she slept peacefully with a smile on her face. He smiled at the thought then quickly shove the memory down and turned back to her with a bored expression.

"Do you know you snore in your sleep?" He asked more to lighten the mood or to see her reaction he couldn't quite say for sure but the priceless look on her face as she gasped and blushed and turned in defence was worth the show.

" I do not know what you're talking about"she said with pride but still brought her hand over to cover her mouth.

" You do" he stated,

" Then ,on to business" he leaned in,dropping his drink on the glass table beside the chair.

"I ..don't..know..." She stammered trying to hold in her fear as he inched towards the bed to face her fully.

"Who were those guys last night?" He inquired with accusation in his eyes.

"What did they want with you...?" linking it to yesterday's events he cleared his throat.

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