Gosh. Staplers. I am ranting.

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Ok. this isn't going to be a love story like usual. Does Santa creep you out? He breaks and enters every year, stalks kids, and enslaved elves and reindeer. He can fit down a fricking chimney and how would he know if you were naughty or nice if he doesn't stalks you? how in the flipping Heck does he fit down a fridgeing chimney? He is a fat stalker in red pajamas. if Santa said to a usual kid what do you want for christmas they would say a Barbie doll and sit in his lap. if he asked me to tell him what I want for Christmas i would say 'Stay away Santa I have some sprinkle spray.' He creeps the fridge out of me. He wants me to put MY butt on his lap. Heck to the na. Never.

Gosh. Staplers. I am ranting.Where stories live. Discover now