Three: Heather Hawkins

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I'd made the decision that I needed to talk to Hayden before we all met with the Council tomorrow. Putting my shoes back on from the training session and grabbing my phone, I said, "Alright, so I'm going to head out. I need to go back sure that Hayden's okay being back home and all."

"I'll drive you," Philip offered.

As if he wasn't already enough of a problem. After spending all day with him and dealing with my inconsistent feelings of like/hate for him, I really didn't want to spend any more time with him. "Sorry, Philip, I think I can walk it from here."

Kristen was sitting on the couch and glanced up from her phone, pushing the blonde hair with the black streak out of her eyes. "Let him drive you," she said. "It's getting chilly outside." Which was code for, I don't mind him taking you for a drive.

Well, just because she seemed to approve, that didn't mean I did. Even if Philip was a changed man, he still cheated on Kristen, which was not okay with me. Yes, we'd shared a kiss, and even had a few moments like the one in my kitchen over a week ago with the bubbles, but that meant nothing. Right?

"Like I said, I can do it," I said. Then, as soon as I spoke those words, I heard thunder in the sky and face face fell flat. Why did the universe hate me so much?

"Looks like you won't be walking tonight, Heather," Philip said with a smirk. He held his hand to his ear and pretended to listen to me. "Now what was that about not wanting a ride?"

He was so lucky he was attractive or I may have said something mean. Grunting, I said, "Fine. I'll let you drive me, but just know I didn't want it."

Grabbing his keys off the table, he smirked at me again. "Sure you didn't."

Why did he have to be so smug? Following behind Philip up the stairs and out of the Hideout, I hoped that this ride would go smoothly. Philip was in the emergency room the night of the incident at the tower, but was released the next day due to fast healing (which is when being a Monster Hunter really comes in handy). I remembered how scared I was that he might die, but I had to remind myself he'd make it through. Now that he was out and we'd been training, I had been avoiding a moment like this. I didn't want to be alone with him any of time except to train, because I knew if I did, I'd start to feel the feelings again. Liking Philip was not something I wanted to do, especially with everything else going on.

When we got outside, it was pouring rain, and we had to run through it to get to his car. When we got inside, I didn't say a word as he turned on the heater and started it. We rode in silence for the whole way to Hayden's house, and when we got there, he parked in the driveway but said nothing.

"Uh, thanks," I said, preparing to open the door and run through the rain to Hayden's doorstep. "I guess."

"Heather," he said softly. He didn't meet my eyes but I could tell he was thinking about something. "Can we talk?"

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. This was not the topic he and I were about to discuss. "I don't think there's anything to talk about," I replied as calmly as I could. But watching him made it hard because all I wanted to do was press my lips and body against his.

He reached out and grabbed my arm, but not aggressively. He wants me, I thought. His touch sent a heat wave through my body, and a certain feminine part of my body felt a little warm. "Heather, I know you've been avoiding it—us—since our kiss. I know you feel like you need to stay away from me for Kristen's sake, but I have changed. A lot. Meeting you has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me and I never imagined I'd feel this way." His words were soft and gentle, making my heart warm as well. Philip just always seemed to know the right things to say...

And I hated it.

I slipped my arm out of his grasp and said, "Whatever you think I feel or you feel or what Kristen feels—it's all wrong. You're wrong." The words came pouring out of my mouth and I could almost taste the intensity of the lie. "I don't like you. That night at the tower, I got emotional when I thought you were dying because...we're friends. Friends don't let each other die, and you showed that to me that night by killing all of those Monsters. But we're not meant to be together. You hurt my best friend in the entire world and I'll never be able to look at you that way."

The rain pattered against the window of the car, leaving both of us to dwell in the silence. I was debating on leaving the car to go inside when Philip's hand slid over my arm again. I turned to meet his eyes for the first time in days, and they seemed to look right into my soul. He leaned in, and although I wanted to pull back, I just couldn't. My heart was shouting "YES!" over and over and I couldn't help myself. Moving closer just an inch, our lips pressed together.

The kiss began soft and innocent, and the smell of him wafted into my nose. I pulled him closer and his arms found their way at my back, and he traced it with his fingertips. I moaned in pleasure as his hands moved underneath my shirt finding their way to my flesh. I pressed him against the seat, feeling the desire, the pleasure, and I knew right then just how much I wanted him. God, I wanted him so badly and kissing just wasn't enough for me. I wanted more.

I tugged at the hem of his shirt, trying to maneuver my fingers underneath to touch his bare chest. He pulled his lips away from mine by an inch and said, "I thought you didn't want me."

"Shut the hell up," I said, trying to ignore him. He was so smug, so arrogant, but I wanted him. "Sometimes people lie."

"Good enough for me," he said and pressed his lips against mine yet again. We pressed our bodies together and if it weren't for the fact that we were in Hayden's driveway, I would have—

Oh my.

I pulled away, gasping for air as I said, "Um, we can't."

Suddenly the realization of where we were seemed to hit him too, so Philip said, "Oh my God, I'm sorry, Heather. I kind of...forgot."

Yeah, I did too. Composing myself the best I could, I said, "I, uh...need to go inside to see Hayden. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Of course," he replied. "If I text you, will you reply?"

I smiled just a little, but I tried hard to make it look sexy. "Maybe." I opened the door and said, "Goodnight, Philip," as I headed to the front door of Hayden's house.

That was intense. I couldn't believe I kissed Philip again for the second time, but damn, it was actually kind of nice. It was hard to deny him when all I really wanted to do was be with him. Things were getting a lot more complicated than I intended.

I knocked on the door, and almost immediately, a man answered. He was in his mid-forties by the looks of it, and he smiled when he saw me. "Heather, it's nice to see you again. Under better circumstances this time, I hope?"

"Yes, sir," I said, smiling the best I could. "Hayden is home, right?"

Mr. Williams nodded. "Of course. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. Come on in." I stepped inside and he said, "Hayden's upstairs in his room. Seeing you will probably cheer him up."

"Thanks," I said. As I headed up the stairs, Mr. Williams coughed.

"And by the way," he said, "next time you wish to make out with your boyfriend, do it on your own turf. It's not really appropriate to do in someone else's driveway."

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