Thirty-Three: Heather Hawkins

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Apparently I wasn't even allowed to be awake for five minutes without getting some sort of bad news or having some bad thing happen to me. This was my new life. Great.

"Abaddon was not killed back at Majlis al Jinn," Kadin continued. "There's no way he's going to give up that easily. Since his plan didn't work, he's probably going to come here."

The last thing I wanted was that crazy, psycho bastard in my house. "We need to go somewhere else then. We can't let him come here. And we can't let him go to my house because Mom and Lena are there. We can't let him near our families."

"Agreed," Kadin said. "But we also need to discuss something very important that we learned down in the cave." He sighed. "Abaddon is an Angel."

"An Angel?" I asked. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I wish he was," Hayden said from the doorway. "Abaddon is an Angel. Apparently the Darkness can turn anyone into Shadow People."

Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse. I laid my head down on the pillow and groaned. "We need to get out of here," I said. "Right now. If this is true, he could come at any time."

"Is there anywhere that we can go?" Kadin asked. "Anywhere that could keep us safe for the time being?"

I knew of a place. Looking at Kristen, I said, "We could go there."

Kristen said, "No way! Mom would kill me."

"Heather's right," Philip said. "It's better than all of us being killed."

"Then we bring our Moms with us," Kristen said.

I shook my head. "They can't come with us, Kristen. Abaddon will eventually find us—probably before the day is completely over—and when that happens, they can't be there to suffer the consequences. I'll call Mom and tell her and Lena to stay inside the house and be safe. We're the ones Abaddon is after, not them."

Kristen looked hesitant, but she certainly didn't disagree. I pulled out my cell phone and hit the speed dial for Mom. It rang a few times, and on the fourth ring she answered.

"Heather! Oh my God, are you okay? I've been waiting here forever to hear from someone! What happened?"

Just hearing my Mom's voice made me feel a little better. "Everything's okay, Mom. Just a little bit of trouble. We need you and Lena to stay at the house, do you understand?"

"It's too late for that," Mom said. "Lena left to go home about an hour ago. She's trying to do some research on the Djinn and stuff. Is that okay?"

"I guess that's okay," I said. "We'll figure it out. You just stay there. Don't go outside the house at all until we get back, okay?"

"Alright," Mom said. "Please be careful, honey. I love you."

I closed my eyes, silently praying that this worked. "I love you, too. See you soon." I hung up the phone and looked at the group. "Lena is apparently already back the their house. Looks like we might have to tell her after all."

Kristen sighed. "This is not going to be fun."

I had no doubt in my mind that this was probably going to suck.


Frostbite and Kadin poofed Kristen and Hayden to her house. Philip and I decided that we needed to bring my Mom's car with us to Kristen's house so that Abaddon didn't think we were at Hayden's. The last thing I wanted was for Hayden's family to get hurt because of me.

The two of us got in the car—him in the driver's seat and me in the passenger—and headed down the road toward Kristen's house. It was an awkward ride. After a few minutes, I knew I needed to get him to talk.

Shadow People (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, #2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu