Fall (V3)

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Yes, I know. The title's very original... I was being sarcastic if you couldn't tell. Also, anything italicized and underlined means a radio transmission or a message


I don't own RWBY. RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and was created by Monty Oum. I only own my OCs

Adam awoke a few hours later. Thankfully, they hadn't started the 1v1 matches or else he would've been disqualified

Adam, however, was surprised to find a message from Oz. Even more so when it was two messages. So, naturally, Adam checked them

"Mr. Taurus, I advise you come by my office some time soon. I need your help in explaining the maidens to Ms. Nikos." The message read. Adam felt bad now, he wasn't there for his friend when he felt she would need him the most

Adam shifted around before opening the second message. He was nervous about what the message may hold. After all, he hadn't showed up when Oz called on him

"Mr. Taurus, I understand not being happy about knowing what's truly out there, but I hope you can at least understand that I need your help now. And if not I, then many other people need your help. That being said, I have went ahead and told Ms. Nikos that your surname, Capra, is a fake. I have not told her your true identity, however. I will leave that for you to explain."

'God fucking damn it. Well, at least I can explain to her myself that I was a murder.' Adam thought before getting out of bed and taking a shower

When Adam got out, he immediately set off to look for Pyrrha... after getting dressed of course

His first stop was team JNPR's dorm. But, surprisingly, no one was there. Adam had thought that maybe they were at the festival

So, that was Adam's next stop


The fair was filled to the brim with people, of course. Faunus and Human alike. In the face of seeing all these people, all Adam could think about is how he probably would've been on a killing spree right now. He would've been screaming about how humans deserved to die and about how he couldn't understand how they could just let humans stand next to them

'Well, at least I'm no longer like that.' Adam thought as he continued to walk around. Eventually, he decided to give up and go to one of the stands and get himself some food

Adam opened up his scroll and opened up a game on it... what? Adam may be a very stoic person, but even he must have entertainment

Anyway, he opened up a game called Amity Arena. It was released just recently to celebrate this year's Vytal Festival. They had all sorts of characters. Ranging from the participants in the tournament to himself from when he was in the White Fang, which Adam didn't even know how they even managed to do that

Anyway, he was sitting there eating the food he ordered and playing a few matches when a message from Pyrrha came in

Adam literally looked like he froze in time. He took a huge breath in and released an explosive sigh. Adam rested his head on his hand on only thought one thing

'How the fuck, did I not think of that?'

Adam opened it and looked at what it read

"Adam, I need to talk to about something. It read

Adam messaged her back, saying "Well, what is it?" He clearly knew though. Adam knew it was about his true identity

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