Chapter 06 - Give or Take

Start from the beginning

"Roger that, sir."

Seconds later, Able 1-1, together with Able 1-3 and Able 1-5 are now crouched behind Harvey as Harvey looks to the forest with the other Able Units while holding tattered gray curtains. He looks back and passes the tattered curtains to them to the three units.

"Mimic and distract." Harvey smiled at them. The three quickly understood his meaning and quickly wear the tattered curtains on their body.



Moments later, outside of the Cathedral...

A group consisting of twenty armored and armed knights reaches the Cathedral. Their leader riding a horse in front of them is a good-looking red-haired man in his 30s, who shouts at his knights to stop as he climbs down on his horse. He inspects the Cathedral and smiles wickedly.

"Hehehehe. Now I can finally get the thing that is really for me!" he chuckled with an intense smile. He then orders his knights to spread out to form a linear formation around him as he continues to approach the Cathedral. When suddenly, three mysterious men in gray cloaks covering their entire bodies and faces, appear at the entrance of the Cathedral. The knight leader and his knights were surprised about them. They didn't think that there will be some people in the abandoned building.

"WHA-WHAT? WHO ARE YOU, PEOPLE?" the knight leader grabbed his sword and pointed it at the three mysterious men on the stairs. But the three men continue to walk down the stairs to confront them. 

"STOP! WHO ARE YOU, PEOPLE? ANSWER ME OR ELSE YOU WILL TASTE THE WRATH OF THE RED CRIMSON!" he shouted while still pointing his sword at the three men and his knights began to form into a defensive position around him. But still, the three men continued walking to them. 

When finally, the three mysterious men stop about just tens of meters away from the knights. One of them speaks to the knights.

"Leave....." the mysterious man in the middle spoke with a low and hostile tone. Seconds of silence later, the knights and their leader laughs.


"HAHAHA! "Leave" he said! HAHAHAHA!"

"HAHAHA! He doesn't know who is dealing with?! HAHAHA!" 

"They are now screwed!"

The red-haired man then walks forward to the three mysterious men in cloaks. He chuckles as he draws his sword, with now a bright red flame now cast on it.

"Hahaha. To think that there are people who dared to order me to leave?" he smugly stared at the three mysterious men. As he makes a standing offensive pose to strike his sword with a spell, he smiles at them.

"So for that, I order all of you to DIE! O'-FLAMES-OF-STRIKES!" 

Strands of flaming rays began to appear out of his sword and make their way toward the three men. But in the Cathedral, watching the events unfold, a young female angel smiles looking down on them.

"...pft. Pathetic.

At the same time, a mysterious shot pierced through the knight leader's sword and it shattered into pieces, rendering his flame spell to cease and vanished in an instant.

"WHA-WHA...." the knight leader looked at his shattered sword pieces on the ground, motionless. The knights behind him were also taken by surprise. 

"So that's how you want to go then? Alright." the man in the middle spoke. Quickly, the three release their cloaks to reveal and draw their rifles toward the knights.

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