Percabeth reaction

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First ship:

Percy: wait where'd you get this drawing of us?
Annabeth: we're cute I guess,
Jason: I think you two are adorable!
Piper: yeah, you've been through everything together!
Leo: word
Calypso: their cute
Frank: oh, is this a touchy topic?
Hazel: oh, sorry calypso!
Calypso: eh, I'm used to it
Hazel: anyways, I give them a 20/10
Frank: I agree with hazel
Clarisse: I remember when you punks were so oblivious to your feelings and crap
Chris: I need a story time now clary
Clarrise: don't call me clary or I will stab you in the shins
Nico: how sweet
Will: I would rate Percabeth 9/10
Leo: why only 9/10?
Will: Percy broke nicos heart!
Nico: willlll, we talked about this!
Will: what? Just saying!
Nico: I'll give them a 8/10
Reyna: same score as Nico
Thalia: poor Reyna, rejection is her middle name
Reyna: excuseeee me?
Thalia: your excused, praetor,
Reyna: I will also stab you in the shins
Clarisse: I like her,
Reyna: why thank you!
Percy: is this about us or about lovers quarrels?
Reyna: we are NOT lovers
Annabeth: we never suggested that you were
Reyna:I- uh- good then,

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