Learning Experiences

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Summary: Uma, Audrey, and Jane take Mal and Evie out to the Enchanted Lake to learn how to swim. Let's just say our two favorite best friends have a very hard time. Friendship feels all around with a special emphasis on Mal and Evie's sisterly relationship.

   "Alrighty, ladies, we're here," Uma announced as she turned off her motorcycle. Audrey, Jane, Mal, and Evie quickly followed suit, and Uma pushed her kickstand with her heel so that the motorcycle would balance there on the ground. Mal followed her, hesitantly stepping off of the vehicle as she sighed deeply while surveying the Enchanted Lake.

Today, Uma, Mal, Evie, Audrey, and Jane had all headed for the Enchanted Lake as a result of Uma's declaration that Mal and Evie definitely needed to know how to swim. According to Uma, it was a necessary skill that every person should know. Naturally, Audrey and Jane agreed, likely due to the fact that they were already endowed with the ability to swim. Even Evie had agreed to it, wanting desperately to learn a new skill and also fit in with the rest of the group.

Mal on the other hand did not have any desire to get anywhere near the water. In fact, if she had her way, she wouldn't even dip her toe in the wetness. She would much rather sit far away from the water on the embankment surrounding the lake or at the broken-down rock gazebo that was very much solid and definitely not in the water.

Originally, Mal did not even want to go, but she couldn't resist Evie's positively adorable puppy dog eyes that she always made such great use of when Mal least wanted her to.

So Mal was suckered into this horrible trip completely against her will and definitely against her better judgement.

"Whoo... It sure is nice to get away from that stuffy castle living," Uma spoke, stretching her arms out before pulling off her jacket to expose her bikini top. Audrey headed past Uma with Jane right behind her, and Audrey shot the pirate an odd glance. Uma raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Well, don't you agree?" Uma questioned. Audrey just shrugged noncommittally in response, and Uma narrowed her eyes knowingly as she slowly nodded.

"Oh, never mind. You're one of those stuffy princesses that thrives in the stuffy castle living. Forget I said anything," Uma waved dismissively as she worked her pants off around the bottom half of her bikini. Audrey spun around quickly to face Uma, currently in the process of unbuttoning her shirt.

"I am not! I'm just as tough and, uh, unrefined," Audrey pointed accusingly at Uma, trying her best to insult the pirate's pride, "as you!"

Uma rolled her eyes before carrying her jacket and her pants over to the nearby gazebo and dropping them on the stone floor.

"Whatever, princess," Uma replied, and Audrey just rolled her eyes at the pirate as she headed behind a tree to finish taking off the rest of her clothing so that she could make good use of the bathing suit beneath.

Mal just watched the two of them carefully from her vantage point atop the hill. She furrowed her brow, not sure if she was ready for this. However, after a moment, she suddenly felt a warm presence there beside her, and she looked up into the sweet brown eyes of her best friend. Evie tilted her head slightly, eyeing Mal carefully as she regarded her with concern.

"Are you okay?" Evie questioned, brushing her hand against Mal's own as she spoke. Mal shook her head nigh imperceptibly.

"Well, I'm about to get in the water, so I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as okay. At least in my book," Mal told her, laughing nervously as she watched Uma slip into the water carefully and quietly, no doubt planning to scare Audrey when the pink princess came out from around the tree.

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