We Are Off to See the Wizard Part 5

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   "There! An absolutely gorgeous Dorothy that everyone is going to be positively taken by," Evie smiled sweetly as she spun Mal around in the office chair so that she could see what Evie had done to her.

Mal's eyes widened as she studied what Evie had done with her face. She couldn't help but huff a breathless chuckle as she grinned at her favorite bluenette. Evie bent down and squeezed her gently as she looked into Mal's eyes through the mirror.

"It looks... Pretty good," Mal complimented Evie's handiwork as she focused on the small details that Evie had put onto her eyelids.

Evie just hugged her a bit tighter in response, sisterly love practically oozing off of her in that manner that came so naturally to the taller girl.

Uma rolled her eyes at the both of them and moved so that she was leaning against the headboard, the bed creaking as she shifted her position on the mattress. Her eyes widened a bit as she accidentally drew very unwanted attention to herself. Evie arose from her spot leaned against Mal's shoulders and head and turned to the pirate with a wicked smile.

"Sit down in my parlor," Evie told her with a pish-posh sort of voice, her hands folded in front of her against her dress as she eyed Uma and calmly helped Mal up from the chair. Mal smirked as she looked at Uma.

Mal smiled wickedly at Uma, but the pirate just looked back at her with a shrug and a carefree grin of her own. Mal raised an eyebrow, somewhat taken off guard by Uma's unexpected laissez-faire. Uma just kept that mysteriously contented look on her face as her and Mal switched places.

Evie turned her so that she was facing the bed and so that she could inspect her more easily.

"I texted Harry and Gil and told them to come," Uma informed Evie, her voice perfectly calm and having no trace of the nervous anticipation that it should have had. Evie nodded her head as she sifted through the many makeup supplies in the vanity.

"Cool," she replied, trailing off as a perplexed expression found its way onto her face. After a few moments, she arose to look at the other two girls.

"Where's my green face paint?" Evie questioned. Mal shrugged, looking around the room from newly acquired spot where Uma had been lounged just a moment ago as she texted her father as she had promised Audrey she would.

"I know where it is," Uma suddenly announced. Evie turned to gaze at her expectantly. Uma grinned widely.

"It's lost," Uma cackled. Evie huffed and rolled her eyes, quickly returning to her search. Mal raised an eyebrow, noticing that Uma still had that almost sly sort of expression on her face. The green-eyed girl couldn't help but think that the pirate must have hidden Evie's green makeup somewhere in an attempt to avoid being painted on.

Mal wordlessly searched through the hulking mass of blue pillows underneath her, feeling for the large container of blindingly green face and body paint. She was disappointed to not find anything, but she did not give up so easily. She moved so that her top half was hanging off the bed and she gazed beneath the frame.

To her immense satisfaction, she spotted the container in all of its nearly glowing green glory.

"E, I found it," Mal told the bluenette with a very much pleased grin on her face as she withdrew the container and offered it to Evie.

She turned quickly from her searching to see what Mal had and she smiled widely as she took it from her best friend.

"Thank you so very much!" Evie praised, patting Mal's cheek sweetly. Mal just smiled back like the good pet that she was, and eyed Uma with righteous self-satisfaction in her gaze. The pirate returned her gaze with an expression that seemed almost as if she would murder her in her sleep.

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