This Little Piggy

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Summary: When Audrey gets sick, she asks her best friend to come and spend some time with her. Uma, of course, does not hesitate to pick on her favorite princess, sickness or not.

   "Look, all I can say is, you better keep your snotty nose over there to yourself, princess. I came here to babysit, not play nursemaid," Uma declared, looking down at her phone where she was lounged luxuriously in the armchair not too far from Audrey's bed where the pink princess herself was resting.

"You are literally the worst caretaker I have ever had the displeasure of putting up with," Audrey complained unashamedly and loudly.

"And you're the worst patient, but you don't see me over here constantly kicking up some kind of fuss," Uma shot back, unbothered by Audrey's gripes despite the fact that they had gotten infinitely worse with the sickness that she was currently fighting.

Audrey had called Uma that day because Jay was busy with some manner of duties that day with Mal, Evie, and Carlos, and according to Audrey, she needed someone to keep watch over her so that she would have someone there to make sure she was able to get medicine or professional help in case she died or something.

Audrey always did tend to get a bit dramatic when she was sick.

However, somehow, despite Uma's better judgement, she had agreed to come over and watch the princess. It was not so much out of the belief that the other girl was going to die or anything, but more because some part of her felt bad for the princess and cared about the girl that was her best friend.

Also, it was because she knew that Audrey had mostly just secretly wanted her to come over and spend time with her while she was sick.

Now Uma was partially regretting her decision to take pity on the girl, and she was strongly wishing that she had just left Audrey in her dying misery as she fought the brutality of the common cold.

"All I asked you to do was bring me a tissue," Audrey grumbled, the lowness of her voice coming out as something gravelly and growly and so unlike herself that Uma almost laughed. She held herself together, though. After all, she had to fully aggravate her favorite princess.

"Yeah, and I threw the box over there to you."

"You were supposed to give them to me nice and gently!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a whole instruction booklet that came with taking care of you," Uma commented, unable to help her slight grin as she tried to hide it behind her phone to keep Audrey from seeing it.

Audrey just growled under her breath and it sounded more like she was clearing her throat. She then coughed violently, and Uma looked over the edge of the phone as she glanced at her to ensure she was alright.

"You gonna make it?" Uma questioned, her voice a bit gentler than it had been as she expressed her genuine concern in the best manner that she could without getting too sentimental. She saved all of that for special occasions.

Audrey took a few deep breaths after managing to get ahold of the cough, and she flashed Uma a tired, unimpressed glance.

"Yeah. No thanks to you," Audrey griped, and Uma raised her eyebrows, scoffing in reply.

"Dang, you sure you ain't having that time of the month?" Uma commented, and Audrey instantly narrowed her eyes, wiping her nose with her tissue as she glared at Uma.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Audrey demanded as well as she could considering how bad her voice sounded.

"I'm just saying you sound like you're on your period."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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