Well crap.

"Now, it's not that hard of a project so please don't retaliate. The more your cooperate, the easier and more interesting it's going to be. I think you all will enjoy it." Mr. Lawson picks up a piece of paper laid beside him, and begins reading off partner assignments.

Don't retaliate? I can't make any promises at this point because he hasn't even described the project yet, and it sounds sketchy in general-

I zone out until I hear my name being called.

"Charli Day and Caden James from period four." Mr. Lawson reads. My head snaps up so fast that I swear I give myself some good whiplash. I must've heard him wrong; I know Dad likes to joke about me being halfway deaf and all, but I didn't know it was that severe.

Girls all around me gape, and glare in envy. If they want him, they can have him.

I raise my hand without thinking. Mr. Lawson pauses, looking up at me from behind his glasses. "Yes, Ms. Day?"

"About my partner-"

He cuts me off, looking back down at his paper. "Right now is not the time for that. We can talk about it after class."

I slouch further in my chair, silently pleading with the Gods to let me off the hook this one time.

❂ ❂ ❂

Mr. Lawson said no. Just no. I think he even laughed a little.

And I think he basically asked why I'm so butt hurt over Caden. If the old man knew...if only he knew.

I mean he mentioned some crap about breaking stereotypes and the whole purpose of the project, but I don't think he understands that there will be no project if Caden and I murder each other before we even start.

Shoving my books into my locker, I slam it shut as Haisley waves from the other end of the hall. I  wave back before watching her run off with her track friends. Sometimes I wish I had joined just because I miss hanging out with her after school.

But then I remember the three mile warm up and move on with my day.

Shaking my head, I adjust my bag before making my way down to my car. I stop short when I see a figure leaned against the hood, yet again.

I blow out an exasperated sigh before bringing myself to move forward. Caden glances up from his phone when he hears me approach cautiously.

A slow grin spreads across his face as he pulls a lollipop out of his mouth. I stop a few feet away from him, tapping my foot as I look up at him expectedly.

"Hey Sugar, how was your day?" He greets, relaxedly. I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were him.

"Since I'm seeing you twice today, I would say not too hot."

He chuckles before looking me over casually. "Well my day just got better."

"Eyes up here, asshole." I snap my fingers, motioning to my face.

"I am well aware of where my eyes should be, Sugar."

My frustration builds as a shit eating smugness takes over his face. "What do you want, Caden?"

"I heard we're doing a Lit project together. Partners." He waves, nonchalantly.

"That's the plan." I agree through gritted teeth. "Believe me, I've already tried to get us both a new one."

"Oh?" He asks, raising a brow. "Well, I don't mind working with you. After all, you have my favorite eraser."

He winks and I flip him off. I dangle my keys at my side, fidgeting with my lanyard.

Sincerely, Charli DayWhere stories live. Discover now