Future Chapter Promos

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I'm bringing you some promo art for the next 4 Chapters.

I'm going to start giving promo pictures for hype like the show used to do. 

I'll also give descriptions, but (like Rebeca and the team would write them) they will be vague and could mean ANYTHING. 

So don't forget, the chapters will be more than meets the eye.

This one is actually the next chapter

This one is actually the next chapter

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Chapter 23:

 You and the gems will make a surprising discovery




Chapter 24:

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Chapter 24:

You and Jasper will take a trip


Chapter 25:

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Chapter 25:

Jasper has a realization


Chapter 26:

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Chapter 26:




I'll leave this one to speculation.

Enjoy the promo dudes!


- Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Where stories live. Discover now