Chapter 19- Many feelings

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As you ran, sand filled your shoes, but you couldn't pay much mind. What was happening to your family was far more important. You conversed with yourself the entire time you ran. What was going on? What happened to Steven? What happened to Jasper? Why was Jasper even involved?

Your mind raced at all of these questions, and you grew panicked, feeling as if time was slowed and your mind was slop.

As if you had completely blanked, you blinked and found yourself at Stevens house.. You had lost about 6 minutes of time.

You ran up the stairs and burst inside,    "Steven!?"    You looked around to see no one.

Where were they?

You ran out and looked around, then your attention was turned to the universal warp going off. You spun around and watched as the long beam of light disappeared into space. You were frozen and didn't know what was going on. You took a few deep breaths and snapped yourself out of it to run up the stairs.

You open the doors to the dome and gasp when you see a pink wall in front of the warp; leaving your gem friends on the other side. They all turned to face you, and you saw them shed a few tears. But you lost control when you saw Jasper.

She was okay. You run up and bear-hug her. She stumbles, but quickly returns the embrace.

Now that you knew she was okay, you needed to know what was wrong with Steven.

You let go of Jasper and run up to the others,    "Where's my brother!?"     Pearl covers her mouth as more tears stream down her face. Garnet then places a hand on your shoulder.    "He left. I'm sorry.."    You breathe a little faster,    "Where.. Where is he going?"    Garnet sighs and puts a hand to the pink glass-like wall,    "Presumably Homeworld."    You breath shakily and hug your shoulders,    "What happened? Why is he running?"

Pearl lowered her hand,    "We don't know, he wouldn't tell us.."

You started to silently panic; your mind drawing a blank.

Jasper looked on at you, she knew she'd have to tell you what happened because you'd know something was up either way.

She walked to your side and gently held your shoulder; feeling a wave of regret. This was her fault.

If she hadn't pushed him in the first place.. maybe everything could have been solved easier.

Jasper sadly sighs and looks up at the tree gems,    "I'm gonna take her home.."    The three just nod, seeing how distraught you were. You look up and try to protest as she picks you up and carries you out.

"Don't stress Y/n, just stop."

You sigh and take one last glance at the gems as the doors close behind you both.


The sound of water crashing accompanied by Jaspers footsteps in the sand were the only audible thing. You had managed to calm yourself down, realizing now was not the time for panic, you had to figure out the full extent of the situation and prepare for anything that might happen.

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt