Chapter 28- Gifts

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"So... You're leaving, huh?"

Steven turned around quickly, dropping a box in the process.

"O-Oh, hey Y/n! You scared me." He laughs and starts picking up the contents that fell out of the box. "Sorry. I just had to see it myself, just to be sure."

He laughs and looks at a small bracelet, "Do you remember making this for me?" You walk over and look at the small accessory, "A little.. it's been years." It brought back a few memories. You and Steven, playing in the van, Steven cooking pancakes for the first time, and the one time you, Steven, and Garnet went out and sold flowers at the market.

You laugh as you reminisce. "That brought back some memories." Steven smiles and nods, but it slowly fades.

He pauses, "Are you gonna miss me?"

You scoff, "That's a silly question. Of course I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you every day!"

You join in, in repacking the box. "Don't worry though, me and Spinel will always call you, and I'll tag along with Connie and Lion to see you."

Steven hugs you tightly, "I'd like that. I don't know if I'd be able to stay stable without all of your help." You laugh and rub his back, "Yeah, you'd be a total wreck without me." You squeeze him in your arms and sway left and right obnoxiously. He gently punches your arm. The two of you laugh, but neither of you let go.

"I'm really gonna miss all of you."

You sigh, "I know, I'd miss us too." You both laugh again, and Steven pulled away, "I'm serious Y/n!" The smile on his face was a nice one to see. "I know you are."

"Heyyyyyyy, Y/n!"

You were tackled to the floor by amethyst.

"Hi Amethyst!"

She had you in a headlock as she nuggied you.

You start yelling and laughing in protest.

A pair of squeaky footsteps make their way in and you hear your girlfriends familiar high-pitched voice.

"Unhand her!"

Suddenly Amethyst's weight vanishes, and a thud followed by laughter begins.

You look up and see Amethyst and Spinel roughhousing on the ground, knocking over everything around them.

Steven groans/yells at the sight. However, this did nothing to hinder the two.

You smile, they were crazy.

Even though Amethyst and Spinel were entertaining, you couldn't help but look at Steven. He was leaving.. He was really leaving.

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