Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!

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Ok, So I've been working on important-- BIG chapters-- so here's a fun time killer.

Fact 1: 

Spinel loves wearing your clothes, along with oversized t-shirts. Plus she's getting into wearing her hair down or in lower ponytails.

Fact 2: 

Spinel is a chronic cuddler. Ever since the two of you first cuddled she was hooked.

Fact 3: 

Spinel will try your cooking, but she'll usually just eat some popcorn or a bowl of cereal for any meal.

Fact 4: 

She once came crying to you while you were cleaning. When you asked what was wrong, she explained that her favorite character in a show she had been watching died. Needless to say she was pretty messed up for the rest of the night. You offered her some ice cream and she ate the whole family-sized tub within five minutes.

Fact 5: 

Spinel still has lots of foods and drinks to try. She has been looking at the wine cabinet for a while though.. Might want to put those somewhere else....

Fact 6: 

Spinel is scared of birds. She just doesn't like the sight of them flying near her because, "You never know if they're gonna attack."

If Spinel ever sees a poor bird just perched on a fence or walking along the sidewalk, she'll wrap herself around you like a snake does to its prey. Spinels ponytails will stand on end and she'll stare the bird down until the two of you are out of sight.

Fact 7:

 Spinel is very protective and will stand her ground if she thinks someone is being rude to you or herself.

Fact 8: 

No matter how many times you try to explain Spinel just can't understand how to button up shirts on her own. Maybe her gloves get in the way..?

And now the more serious information.

Fact 9: 

Spinel has high anxiety so don't freak out if you wake up to her clinging to you while crying. You always think she whimpers for you not to leave her when it happens..

Fact 10: 

Spinel is NOT okay with being alone. If she thinks she's all alone she'll panic and won't calm down until she finds you or someone she can trust. You had to get used to bringing Spinel everywhere the first few days after Spinel started living with you. Heck if you didn't tell her that you were going outside to read- she'd have a panic attack; Running through the house, yelling for you. 

She was always very clingy and quiet afterwards.. You still feel bad..

Fact 11: 

Spinel gets jealous easily, in fear of losing you. Any time she sees you having fun and hanging out with anyone, shell get a little agitated and will watch that persons every move. She doesn't want someone else to take you from her, she doesn't want you to leave her. So she keeps you close and makes sure she knows her friends from her competition.

And finally

Fact 12: 

Spinel isn't abusive.. She could never hurt you. She doesn't want to hurt you... but the thing is, she's very volatile with the right conditions. It's important to keep a balance with her and let her know that it's all okay. You haven't pushed her to the point of anger, let alone to the point of anger so intense she feels the need to hurt you. You hoped that would never happen.

You wondered what she would do if that happened. But then again..

You're scared to find out.

Spinel eating a family-sized tub of ice cream while crying.

Spinel eating a family-sized tub of ice cream while crying

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Have a good day.


- Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora