-Chapter 3-

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"Hey Spinel?"   She perks up, putting her cards away,   "What is it?"   You glance back out at Steven who was still waiting and starting to mess with his phone.   "Spinel, if I stay a bit longer.. could you warp me back to Earth?"   Spinel pauses, then lights up,   "Yeah!"   You get giddy as you take your jacket off and throw it to Spinel.   "Excuse me."   You swiftly walk past blue Pearl and up to Steven.   He was smiling down at his phone when you cleared your throat,   "Hey Steven can, uh, can I stay for a bit longer? Spinel says she can bring me home later."   Steven quickly pockets his phone and looks behind you, towards the direction of Spinels room,   "Alright, sound fine to me."   You're surprised for a moment, but you quickly jump up and hug Steven,   "Thanks little bro!"   Steven chuckles shyly and pats your back.

Suddenly you hear Spinels voice call from a distance,   "Y/n!? Are you done yet, I'm getting bored!"   You let Steven go and slowly back up,   "Well, I uh...I should, ya know."   Steven nods enthusiastically before giving a peace sign and warping away.   "Ok, you can do this Y/n.."   You take a deep breath and walk back to Spinels room.

When you walk in the door quickly closed behind you, but that's not what caught your attention.   Spinel was practicing card tricks while wearing your jacket...   jacket,   was,   your,   she,   wearing?

The jacket was a little baggy on her thin elastic limbs, but that's why you found your face flushed a light red.

Spinel looks up and gave a little smile.   "Come sit down."   You take another deep breath and your shoes pat along the floor as you make your way beside Spinel.   "So you wanna learn a simple card trick?"   You just nod, avoiding looking into her pink-crimson eyes.   Spinel explains a trick where she made the deck disappear, you just watch in awe every time she'd clasp it between her hands, only for it to be gone when she re-opened them.   "Here you try."   She was much more relaxed and slow with her movements. You put your hands out and she places the deck upon them.   "Ok, now just try and do what I did."   You clasp the deck between your hands, but when you opened them the deck just spilled onto your lap.   Spinel snorts,   "Ok, ok, try again."   You gather up some cards and clasp them in your hands again, but again they simply fell to your thighs when you reopened your hands.   You blush, embarrassed at your failure as you look down at all the small sheets of papers.

"Here let me show you again, ok?"   You watch as Spinel stretches her arms on either side of you and gathers the cards.   She shuffles them and then just stares at you.   You tap the floor, looking around in confusion.   Then Spinel suddenly reaches between your legs.   You gasp and launch back,   "What the- Spinel!?"   She just looks at you a little surprised,   "Wh-what? What did I do wrong?"   She suddenly looks afraid as she curls up a little, her two pony-tails falling downwards.   A sense of panic wells in your throat,   "Oh- No, nothing! You did nothing wrong Spinel! It's just.."   You pause,   "Just what?"   You clear your throat and swipe the remaining cards from beneath you,

"It's just humans have..sensitive parts between their legs, Spinel.."

Spinel gives a confused look,   "Ok.. so why did you get scared of me?"   -   "No-No Spinel, I wasn't scared of you I was just flustered."   Spinel cocks her head,   "Ok. Why?"

You fall silent.   "Because..um.. well, it's a very- intimate experience. It's meant for two people who deeply love each-other.."   Spinels eyes widen slightly,   "Ohhh, so when we're best friends we can touch between our legs?"   You flush a deep scarlet,   "N-No Spinel..you...you don't do that stuff with friends. Only a romantic partner."   Spinel extends her hands in a curious gesture,   "Elaborate, please?"   You clear your throat and place your hands in your lap,   "Well, Spinel... Lovers are two people who feel intense passion with one-another,   they feel complete with them and want to spend every second with each-other forever."   Spinel lights up,   "Oh, so I'm lovers with the Diamonds! I mean, I have a love for them, feel complete with them and want to be with them forever!"   You face palm and quickly sigh,   "No, you still don't get it Spinel.."

Spinel scoots closer with a look of what you could only describe as determination,   "Then help me understand."   You stutter with a flushed face,   "U-Um, well...um- Lovers h-have deep emotional connections, they u-um kiss and sleep t-together and they share a love deeper than ordinary love, even deeper than the love you have for the Diamonds."   Spinel nods slowly, she seemed to still be processing what your words meant,   

"Then I've never had a romantic partner.."   

You tilt your head,   "No wonder you don't know what romance is...you've never been in  love!"   Spinel shakes her head,   "Nope, it sounds nice though."   You roll your eyes,   "Oh sure it sounds nice, but sometimes you'll date a total douche and be left heartbroken."   You look to the side and sigh, thinking about your last ex.   "Were you heart broken?"   You nod at her question. You had, and it felt awful.   

Spinel crosses her arms,   "Well that's no fair!"   You smile,   "It's not as bad as what you've been through. I deserve no pity."   Spinel looks to her hands, a small silence fills the room

"Y/n can I ask something?"

You look up and nod quickly,

"Do you like me, even like this.. after all I've done?"

You frown,   "Spinel of course I do."

Spinel looks up with a look that was a mix of confusion and joy.   "Really? You forgive me too?"   You laugh,   "Yes, Spinel."   

She looks to her hands again,   "You're wonderful. You're all so wonderful."   You smile and launch forward, hugging Spinel tight.   When you pull back she looks surprised, and had a pink.. thing to her cheeks?

"Heh-heh heh. Thanks Y/n I needed a hug."

She looks into your eyes, still smiling.   Her pink-crimson orbs looking into yours.   Her eyes had sparkles and she started to let out a hearty laugh.

You joined in..

 Next chapter will be sweet and a bit longer so get ready.


- Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt