Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do

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The morning after the whole fiasco, Jasper had come back to the campsite and the two of you ate s'mores and gazed at the stars then went to bed. Everything seemed fine.

The next morning, you both trekked back home and bid each other ado until dinner.

That's when you noticed something was off. Spinel and Jasper didn't talk, it was weird, usually during dinner Jasper was quite talkative with you both. But this time it was practically silent.

After Jasper left, Spinel was still a bit quiet, so to cheer her up, you made a pillow fort and the two of you had a nice time, just snuggling together, being silly and watching movies all day.

When midnight came, Spinel carried you to bed and read bedtime stories to you until you fell asleep.


(this morning)

You wake up to the sun shining through your windows. It kisses your face as you rub your eyes and yawn. When you fully wake up, you realize Spinel is gone.

You sigh in disappointment and hop out of bed; slowly making your way downstairs.

It was silent.

You took a moment to look around and call out for your sweet girlfriend, but she was nowhere to be found.

You were confused. Where did she go?

That's when you saw a sticky note on the TV.

You gently pull it off and read the cute, slightly messy, handwriting.


Hey dolly!

Sorry! I'm going with Steven and Pearl to the store! They actually asked you if you wanted to go over your phone thingy, but you were sleeping- SOOO, I'm going instead!!!!

I took your grocery list, so I'm gonna get the stuff you need. I also borrowed your hoodie.

I love you!



You sigh and smile, what a cutie.

You gently fold the note and toss it.

It was time for breakfast.


(at the store)

"What's that?"

"Gold fishes"

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Where stories live. Discover now