Chapter 21- Like a happy Family

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You swung your front door wide open as you stumbled inside; flopping onto your beloved couch.

That was quite an ordeal and you felt emotionally drained.

As you fluttered your eyes shut, Spinel pounced on top of you.    "Y/n, how I missed you!"    You smile and pull her close,    "I missed you too. More than you may think, actually."    Spinel sat up and sadly looked at you,    "I'm sorry I was gone for so long..I just was having so much fun.."

You feel a bit bad, she really was just enjoying herself..

You hold her face and give her an empathetic smile,    "It's okay. It's good that you had fun."    As you speak.. She starts crying.


Spinel sniffs and tears start streaming down her face. She cries out loud, but it wasn't as if she was having a breakdown.. She was crying like back at the big fight; it was practically manic, and filled with what you could only describe as regret. You grab her shoulders and shake her,    "Spinel what's the matter!?"

She babbles a little and quickly wraps all her limbs around you. You were slightly confused but she was so upset that you couldn't bring yourself to question her. Sinel continued to speak in inaudible babbles as she slowly tightened her grip on you. It was starting to sting a little, but you tolerated it, to not upset her more.

At some point it really started to hurt, so you yelped a little, making her reel back with a loud gasp.

"I- I'm Sorry! Where..Where did I hurt you!?"

Her words were still a little jumbled, but you still made out what she said.


Spinel realizes how tightly she was grabbing onto you, so she completely let you go.

"Sorry! I'm Sorry!"

You stroke her arm as you shift into a more comfortable position,    "Woah- woah it's okay.. Now please, tell me what's wrong."

Spinel sniffs and rubs her eyes like a child would while explaining herself.

"I-I'm just glad you're okay.."

You became more confused.    "What do you mean?"

She sniffs and wipes her nose,    "Anything could have happened to you while I was gone.. I left you all alone for so long.. Then you put yourself into a dangerous situation, you risked your safety for Steven! You could've gotten hurt!"

You understood where she was coming from, but Steven wasn't just anyone to you.. He's your brother.

You sigh and lean into her chest,    "I know.. But my brother was in danger, I had to do something."

Spinel gave you a musing look,    "Yeah, but.. What if--"

You quickly kiss her lips before she could finish her statement.

It was a soft, but firm kiss, making you realize how touch-starved you had become.

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant