I growl, and Mace grabs her tighter, whether to pressure her into talking or to have a better grip to pull her away should I charge, I'm not sure. "Where. The fuck. Is. My. Mate?"

"Home," she says, that same cocky smile on her lips.

"Put her in the trunk," I say to Mace. I turn to Chev who holds Frankie, just as feeling returns to Rebecca's body, her fear practically palatable.


"What did she tell you?"

Frankie sniffles, and opens her mouth to say something, but I interrupt her.

"Start from the beginning. I need everything."

Eyes occasionally flitting to Reese's body, Frankie nods. "It started when Rebecca could talk to Chad and I couldn't. And then it was cheerleading practice. I don't know... It just became a thing for us to hate her. But, Karen was always way into it. She would hang out with this guy, and they'd sneak around talking. Whispering about a war—"

"A guy? What guy? What's his name?"

"I don't know," she sniffles. "Karen never called him by name. Always called him 'S' or something. He was the guy that wasn't supposed to be on campus, but since they were with Alpha Leo, I didn't... I didn't know anything like this would happen," she cries. "Why would she make me do this?! Reese practically raised me!"

I'm about to tell Chev to toss her in the trunk with her psychotic buddy, when my ears catch on to Leo's name. "Leo?"

She's still crying over her dead Luna, but nods.

"Fuck," I hiss. I'd thought this was another pack with a vendetta, but it's so much worse.

I could handle if I had to fight someone else to get my mate back. If it was someone fueled by hate or a vendetta. But her father, who likely just orchestrated the killing of his wife, his mate?

That's a whole new level of danger with a motive I can't place, that could end in lots of people getting hurt.

"Let's go."

We switch cars with them, figuring it's better to use a vehicle they expect, and shove Karen into her own trunk along with the body of Reese—if Leo wants her, he'll get her. We allow Frankie to sit in the backseat with Chev, and I ride shotgun.

I sit next to Mace who I can feel bristling at me as I flinch, feeling Rebecca re-experiencing whatever all encompassing pain she felt earlier. He thinks I'm gonna puke again.

Glad he has his priorities in order.

We need Frankie outside of the trunk because we need her to direct us to the her pack's main house.

She does, and what would have been a forty minute drive is only fourteen as Mace drives like a bat out of hell. But, there's no one there.

"Where would he be?" I ask, turning around to face Frankie who doesn't look any less hollow inside.

"They had another house 'cause they thought Rebecca was human," she breathes. "Back up, and head right." 

Mace follows her instructions, albeit slower this time, and soon we're face to face with a large house.

It's a picture straight out of an American suburb, and I'm out of the car in an instant.

I kick down the door, readying myself for a fight, but there's no one there. The place is deserted, and in the kitchen, I fight back a growl of confusion as a tree lays felled in the center of the large area.

"Grab the other one," I hiss to my boys who stand behind me, awaiting a fight just as I was. "You, with me."

I grab Frankie by her forearm and practically drag her up the stairs. I kick open all of the doors until I'm faced with an office. "Help me look for anything that says what he's planning or where he's going."

Spurred into action by my words, Frankie wipes her tears, and we get to work. She falters when she sees a photo of Reece, seeming to have been on the woman's wedding day, but she recovers quickly, facing it downward as she continues rifling through the contents of Leo's desk drawers. 

I break the door to his safe, not even wincing as the pure silver blisters my skin. Inside is a vial of liquid silver and a folder.

I reach for it, hoping it's useful, but I find only birth certificates and family documents. I shove it back in the safe and move to the file cabinet on the other side of the room.

I look through the file cabinet, and soon Mace and Chev enter the office, each with new scratches to the face and a struggling Karen in their arms.

I toss aside the folder I'm looking through. "Where the fuck is he?!" I hiss.

Karen says nothing, pursing her lips in defiance. 

"I will pour this shit down your throat if you don't fucking answer me!"

Karen's eyes widen at the sight of the liquid silver, and she swallows. "Leo wants a war. He's waiting for you in the Dackdon Clearing."

I nod at Chev and Mace to drag her out again, just as Frankie pipes up, her brown eyes now alight with determination. "She's lying!" She thrusts a composition sized leather bound book at me. "They're going to be in the Silver Valley. And he's going to have an army."

. . .

I'm just knowing there's gonna be someone to comment my mistakes and thank you in advance. 

Anyone else just have a day after like barely sleeping when you just completely crash? 'Cause today was not all that productive for me😬.

Also, guess who's 225 assignments behind in online work, but consistently posts on Wattpad? 🙃

Chapter dedicated to the reader who dropped like 8 comments in anticipation for this next chapter. 

 Next update on Wednesday, stay safe.♥


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