"I seriously think your tweets are funny, there's no reason to worry." My eyes playfully rolled and I glanced over at my computer screen. It was about ten minutes after five. Usually, I would have left by now, but I knew that Luke wanted me to tag along.

"You're sure you want me hanging out with you all?" I asked Luke as I looked back over at him. He launched his head back ever so slightly as he let out a laugh, and I felt my heat cheeks up—I was nervous.

"Yes, Josie." Luke nodded and I absentmindedly joined in with him as I stared off in space. "You don't have to come... but it would be nice to have a partner in crime to explain our dispute this morning. Also, I think it would be fun for us all to get to know you better."

"That all sounds great," I told Luke, wanting to express that I was happy with the offer.

"Are you good to head out?" I nodded my head to Luke's question and we both started to get ourselves together before leaving. I sent Madalyn a text to explain where I'd be for the next couple of hours, and made sure to include Jenna; I knew they'd be blowing up my phone, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jenna was at the apartment whenever I got home to hear all the details. "You mentioned your friend being a fan, right?"

"Yes, she's loved your all's music for years. Her and her boyfriend sort of fell in love at one of your concerts." Luke raised his eyebrows in surprise and I found myself chuckling quietly as we made our way to the door. "He took her to see you guys and they said 'I love you' during one of the songs... I couldn't tell you which one. I'll just say that you guys are brought up from time to time."

"That's actually kind of cool, and sweet." I listened as Luke decided on how he felt about what I had told him, and I smiled as I locked the door to my office on our way out. "Who's her favorite?" Luke asked, sending me a smirk.

"Calum," I told him, smirking up at him as I broke the news that he wasn't Madalyn's favorite in the band. His eyes playfully rolled and we slipped into a comfortable silence as we walked down the hall.

"If they get married and tell their story of falling in love at a 5 Seconds of Summer concert, I'd better be personally thanked. They owe me." I laughed at Luke's words and found myself shaking my head in disbelief.

"I think they probably paid enough for tickets... but I can let her know how you feel, if you'd like." I watched as Luke's cheeks turned a subtle hint of pink and I smiled at the sight.

"Have you told her about me?" Luke asked, seeming overly curious.

"Well... she's my roommate, so it wasn't exactly avoidable. I mean, I thought about lying about who you were, but that's just not really me." Luke nodded his head and I tried to figure him out; I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed that someone knew or if he was genuinely worried that the information was already no longer solely between the two of us. "I also needed someone to talk to about the interview thing... not telling you about it, that is. I felt horrible, and she made sure I knew it was a stupid thing to do." I decided to leave Jenna out, just in case it would make Luke uncomfortable to know that an additional two people knew instead of just the one.

"I'm serious when I say not to worry about it, okay? I know I didn't understand at first, but it's really okay. You were probably right to think that I would have tried to change your mind about going through with it... and now that we've done the interview, I know I really would have kept you from something great." I smiled at Luke's compliment and thanked him. "Uh—I should tell you something else."

"What is it?" I asked, feeling uneasy by his tone, yet again.

"When the boys and I were meeting with everyone, we kind of told them that we'd like to see more of you. Obviously, Pat's the star of the show or whatever, but... he was there on a video call, and he seemed open to it. The boys just really liked you, and if we could work with you more over the summer, then we'd all be even happier to be doing this thing." My face slowly broke out into a full grin and I couldn't believe how happy Luke's words had made me. Even though I had been interested in interviewing, I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I had. I liked the feeling of being more involved—being behind the scenes was fun, but it wasn't the same. "Also, the guys and I are sort of convinced that our fans are going to take a liking to you. Two hours from now, you'll have tons of people talking about you."

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