Chapter 16: The last Persian

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Jennie gasped and pushed Lisa. The girl looked at her and cries hard. Lisa was about to approach her again but she got frozen when Jennie pulled her gun and pointed at her.


72 hours earlier

"Girls!" Anda yelled from above.

"Come up here. Meeting."

The girls immediately followed and went inside the office. They reacted when they saw a floor plan on the small white board Anda has on her office.

"Persian mansion? Guess, we're going on a mission again." Monkey utters as she reads the writing on the board.

"Yep. I guess it's time." Anda mumbled and looked at Jennie.

Then they started their plan. Anda explains everything with Jennie's help. Until a picture flashed on the tv. Lisa's eyes widen when she saw it.

"Twin brothers of the Persian clan. The man on the left was killed by Persian 9 years before, mistaken him as the leader. But the real leader is the man on the right."

"H-He's a Persian?" Lisa mumbled.

"Obviously." Chopper chuckled. Lisa remained silent.

They planned everything and after a day, they will execute it. Anda dismissed them and Lisa immediately ran her way to her room. She took out the picture her mother gave her. She gasped and covered her mouth as she stared at the resemblance.

"H-He was my father. I h-have Persian blood running through my veins.. and.. J-Jennie.. she will.." Lisa gasped and went inside the bathroom when she heard footsteps coming towards her room.

She heard a knock on the door.

"Hey.. you okay?"

"Y-Yeah.. j-just taking a shit out of my life."

"Ew! You didn't have to say that." Jennie scowled.

Lisa remained silent and stared at the picture.


Jennie keeps on looking at Lisa while fighting the Persians. They are currently in the mansion and everything is already a mess. She noticed Lisa keeps on walking, running through every door without hesitations, knowing that the mansion is full of Persians and could easily kill her.

Jennie gritted her teeth and pulled Lisa's shirt, almost choked her and hides behind a cabinet.

"What is going on with you?" Jennie scowled.

"What? Killing them. What do you mean?"

"Yeah.. by getting yourself killed also! What do you think you are.. a robot.. cyborg or something? There are a lot of people here that could kill you, you know that.. and you're here.. acting so reckless!"

"Hey!" Then a man yelled at them.

Jennie immediately fired and killed him. But more are coming. Anda met them and helped them. They went out of the room and continued their mission. Jennie looked at Lisa intently but the girl looked like she doesn't care about everything she has said and still does what she wanted.

"Chopper got shot!"

"GX also! Shit! Eunbin, hold still!"

"Leadernim, they are so many!"

"We're going to blow up the place!" Anda scowled.

"Make sure everyone is out before deteriorating everything!" she added.

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