"Wah! You're kidding!" I said, the show already forgotton.

"Nope. He visited somewhere in the afternoon. And he took me out on a date later that evening. Guess what? We had Wendy's for dinner." She said as she continued on with her story of the date.

"What! Why wouldn't he tell you what to wear!?"

"What i thought exactly!"

And so we kept on talking.

"No way. Your dad did not."

"Oh he did alright. And then i punched him in the face." She said with a proud and smug smile. "Thats my unnie!"

And we talked.

"And then suddenly Taehyung calls me and is all like, i'm taking you out on Friday, 7pm, be ready and cuts the call." I said in a dramatic way.

"No wayyy! So you're going on a date with Taehyung tomorrow!?"

"Well i mean he didn't really give me a choice."

And we talked little more.

"You know, i can't believe we've watched 5 episodes of Friends and still don't know the characters names."

"Same. Maybe it's because we're korean."

"Shut up unnie! You speak english!"

"What? So, does that mean i'm not allowed to forget characters names!"

And a little bit more.

"No way! Why wouldn't Mark tell me he's dating Sana!"

"I don't know. He probably was too shy. I mean you've seen how awkward the guy gets around her."

"Hmmm good point. BUT I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM. We should totally surprise him later. I mean he's liked her for 2 years, and he finally got to date her!"

"Oooh! Maybe we could do a surprise visit to their dorm tomorrow before my date with Taehyung."

"Good idea! Speaking of Taehyung,..."

And before we even realized it, it was somewhere around 2am since we decided to sit on this couch and watch this TV show.

"Joyyiee! I'm tired." Wendy unnie said cutely in her drunken state as i smiled. "We should probably sleep. Its getting pretty late." I said getting up but Wendy held my arm, pulling me back down on the couch.

"But i'm scared. I don't want to sleep alone." She said as i looked at her.

Wendy unnie is really underrated for it but her eyes are gorgeous. They hold so much emotion and so much pain. These eyes have seen, and been through so much, and they have cried so much, but within all this suffering, if you would look closer, they are the eyes of a woman who is stronger than metal and who can handle any obstacle life throws at her. And i hope that she knows that the only role model i have in my life, is her.

"How about we share a room? I've missed hanging out with you anyway." i said, slowly pulling her out the couch and helping her land on her feet.

"Gosh, i'm dizzy."

"We're almost there." I said leading her to the bedroom and placing her down on her bed.

"I'll sleep in Seulgi unnie's bed okay?"

"Hhmmmkay sure." She said turning her back on me and falling to sleep immediately.

"Scared my ass." As i was heading to Seulgi unnie's bed to sleep i heard a notification come up on Wendy unnie's phone.


Hey, is everything okay?

Your mom just called and said you took a flight back to Korea. Is everything okay? Where are you? I'm coming to your dorm. Wait for me.

Shit, Wendy is dead asleep and i don't think it'll be good for Suga to come over at this hour.

I picked up Unnie's phone and started typing.

Hello suga oppa.
This is Joy.

Wendy unnie is asleep right now and don't worry everything is okay. I think it's best if you stay at home for now and maybe visit when you're free and when it's not 3am.

Again we're good!

I didn't really understand what i wrote but i wrote something and i sent it to him so hopefully he'd stay at his own dorm.


Oh okay.

But i'm coming by tomorrow.

He sent before going offline.

Geez, so we have to deal with Suga oppa, visit the Got7 dorm and pretend like this whole night never happened all in one day?

Wow, tomorrow is going to be a very hectic day.

One of my close friends father has been severly hit with Covid-19. 70% of his lungs have failed and he is in the ICU. Please pray for him and for everyone else thats been suffering from this horrible disaster.

I love all of you and please stay inside for the safety of yourself and your families. Stay healthy and safe! I beg you.

Total words : 1456


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