Chapter One: The Uproar

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YEAR 3030: Post-Apocalypse

Beyond the Eastern Dark Dessert lies a vast city sitting beside the Ruined Peaks of Terralum. Nomads said it was called Lumien. It is known as the “City of the Overcast” where it is filled with blankets of haze and smoke.

The sun never shined its rays and struck the soil of the city for centuries because of the big lumps of radioactive clouds formed after the Global Nuclear Explosion.

For the past two hundred years it is known that Lumien is divided into four regions called “Rings”. The Gamma Ring or the folks call it the Outlands. The Omega where a vast lake called “The Sea of Malady” filled its outer and inner borders, the name came from its deadly liquids;

Legends say even a single drop of the toxic waters will make a person suffer from an incurable disease. Beyond Omega lies the Beta Ring where the Lower factions of the citizens called Lums live. Beta is the largest among the rings and also the center of populace.

Due to the great density of population, ninety percent of people here suffer from poverty and malnutrition due to lack of food and resources.

The Government of Lumien is centered at the Alpha Ring where consists of all the noble class and high intellect citizens. In order to survive, the people from the Beta exchange their money for food supplies and various medicines from the Alphas. This happens every year but a sudden change on the gusts of the wind brought fear to the Lums and gripped their hearts full of terror.

It’s the 30th day of December and the Lums are celebrating the founding Anniversary of Lumien. All are wearing the smiles of the innocent at the Beta Ring, kids laughing and playing their favorite games. The elders are sitting at their armchairs watching the children move around as if it’s the happiest night of the year. Joy covered the streets and poverty is forgotten even for a short period of time. The Alphas shoot their Sky blooms or basically fireworks in participation of the Festival. The sky dazzle with colors and the City was filled with striking hues and glitters. Everyone was astonished, stunned by the beauty of the hour.


HEY VIOLET! WHERE DID YOU PUT MY BLAZER!” A young bachelor named Vincent is hurrying by the corridors of the castle somehow looked very annoyed that seems to be the fault of his younger sister, Violet.

“I Don’t KNooooow” she replied in a sarcastic tone,

“YOU better give it to me or else someone is not getting a gift on her Birthday!”- Vincent said.

Violet immediately runs towards her brother’s front with a face of a child, Handing him over the silver Blazer as his final touch for the upcoming Foundation ceremony being held at the Alpha Plaza.

“Look Violet you are already thirteen and you still want to have child’s play with me? Grow up will yah”.- He said on a calm manner.

“It’s just boring to be in this Crowded place you know. Why do we have to do this every Year? It pisses me off.” Violet replied following a pouted lip.

“Hahahah! Come on you already know that we celebrate it every year then why don’t you get yourself adjusted instead of complaining.” Vincent said.

Violet shut his mouth and followed his brother to the center of the crowd.
The Whole plaza was filled with Government Officials, Nobles and Politicians all wearing fancy dresses.

The noise of the people was lowered as soon as the King stepped on the stage.
King Valcrow: My fellow Alphas! It has been a very busy and prosperous Year for all of us. Today we celebrate our City’s founding anniversary…

“Look he is doing it again. You know that he delivers the same script every year right?” Violet whispered to his brother.

“Shush! That’s our father. Show some respect little lady” Vincent replied as he makes an angry expression.

The crowd applauded as soon as the king ends his speech.
Now everyone I would like to make a toast for Next Year’s—


Suddenly a loud Slam on the Plaza gates alerted everyone and put them on shock. An Elite Guard rushes towards the side of the King carrying a terrified face.

The people were silent as the Guard whispers to the King.
The King showed wide eyes, clearly resembling fear and shouted…

End chapter 1

(subject for further editting)

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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