~Enemies by blood~

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Request: Heyhey, can you one about the first time the daughter of Peter Pan meets Harry? Like when she pays a vised to the isle and meets Harry on his ship or something? Can't wait to read it!

Word Count: 750 words
Warning's: None, I guess
Status: Unedited


You thought being the daughter of the famous, immature and funny Peter Pan would be awesome, right? Wrong. So, so wrong. Your father has really changed since he became and adult. You were stuck with a thousand rules. And even though you loved your father, you couldn't help teasing him by searching the boundaries of his rules.

I had been waiting for my dad to go to his work for quiet some time now. You knew, as soon he was gone, you could go out and make some fun. It was different from usual. Today you decided to pay the isle a little visit.

"(Y/N), I'm gonna go now!", you heard your dad yell from downstairs. You walked to the window as you saw him leave for his work. He was walking down the street. Flying would be so much faster, you think by yourself. But that was one of the many rules your father gave you: No flying. But you couldn't help it, it was a part of you to just break the rules.

As soon as your dad turned around the corner, you pushed your window wide open and climbed on the windowsill. It was a sunny day, the perfect weather to go for a little flight. As soon as you approached the isle, a shiver ran down your spine. Were you really going to do this? But without any more thinking this trough, you crossed the border. The sun immediately disappeared.

You landed on one of the ships beneath you to take a look around. The Jolly Roger, you recognized. The ship where your dad's enemy, Captain Hook, and his family lived. "Ahoy! What are you doin, lass?", it sounded from behind you. As soon as you heard it, you were startled. You turned around, facing a kid from around your age. I was speechless as he walked towards me. "I asked you something. Don't make me do that again!"

You took a few steps back, but by that got yourself pinned against the rail of the ship by the guy in front of you. You didn't know what to say, to distracted by the highly attractive pirate. With the hook he was holding, the guy pushed your hair over your shoulder. "It ain't smart entering someone's ship without permission, you know?" Then I finally figured it out. "Harry Hook...", I whispered with a light smirk. "How do you know who I am? Who are you?", he asked you. To get out of the nasty position I was in right now, I flew over him. I hovered a few feet above the ground, rest my head on my hands. As soon as he turned around, He finally figured it out. "Pan...". I gave him a little smirk to let him know he guessed right. "What are ya doin here?", Harry asked angerly, while drawing his sword. I took his hat and placed it on my head while saying. "Just passing by", I said still smirking.

"Give that back", Harry said, pointing at the hat with his sword. "Make me.", I said as finally placed my feet onto the ground. Harry raised an eyebrow, and you can see him doubt what to do next. "What's wrong, Hookie? Afraid to lose from a girl?" Yep, definitely struck a nerve there. Harry took a big swing at me. I was just in time to block it with my own sword. I flew up and started giggling. "What's with the giggle?", Harry asked as he blocked me. "What's with the question's?", I tossed back the ball. After over an hour of fighting, you hear your phone ringing. You flew out of his reach and saw your dad's name pop up on your screen. "Busted...", you whispered to yourself, because you knew this could only mean one thing: Dad was home, you weren't. You got back down, and before Harry could do anything, you placed a quick kiss onto his cheek. Clearly surprised by this, Harry looked at you. "What was that for?", he asked. With a big smirk on your face, you responded: "For making me feel a little less bored". You started flying away, but right before you do, you turned back to the still surprised Harry. "Oh, and by the way, give your mother her eyeliner back". By saying this, you received one last swing of his sword, which you could barely avoid. While flying away, you blew him a handkiss and yelled: "We should do this again sometime!"

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