Chapter 5

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Completing her monologue, and leaving us dumbfounded and confused. She never even explained anything leaving us as confused as a normal, someone oblivious to the society they live in, filled with spies.

Duchess returns to the roof in a completely different outfit to the one she was wearing for the concert, holding a phone to her right ear speaking in a British accent, contradicting her American accent from before. Oh, I remember. She changed into the outfit that I identified her in, which means that she was the last girl that I identified. Mentally rewinding, I remembered that Mr Solomon referred to her, as was Ms Baxter, but no first name.

Rather than concentrating on what was happening at the moment, I was thinking about was how Grant looked like he was about to water at the sight of her. And I was also thinking about how I was going to punch him in the guts whatever expression was on his face right now. Also for looking so pathetic. But to be fair, I nearly did that over the new girl? The Chameleon, maybe? I think? Who knows at this point?

Again Zach, really? It is odd because I never do this. I've never done this over a girl. Then again, I go to a boys spy school, disguised as a detention centre. A friggin prison. No place to meet girls. Ugh, focus. Mentally slapping myself, I force myself to return back to the situation at hand and figuring out what the heck just happened.

Although I missed a bit of it, Duchess is standing with the other girls and opposite to the Chameleon (?) and Mr Solomon. She looks at Mr Solomon and hooks her arms around her friends, "It's ready for us."

Mr Solomon gestures for everyone to move to a corner of the roof and a jet lands onto the roof.

"Gallagher Girls," Mr Solomon yells over the noise of the jet, "file into the jet to return to school please."

Without a word, the girls file onto the plane. But it kept bugging me. Damn it, I am about to hurt my ego more than I care to.

"What's your name, Chameleon? And are you ever going to explain it explicitly instead of dodging what we need to hear?" I call out.

Before she enters the plane, she turns back and says something. I can't hear her over the noise of the jet, but I read one word from her lips. Phone.

The jet door closes and the girls leave us with Mr Solomon.

Grant doesn't hesitate, "Mr Solomon, what was that? Explain to us what is going on. Please? Also, a heads up on what the point of this exercise is would be nice. And-"

Mr Solomon cuts him off and savagely says, "Well Mr Newman, that's many questions. And if you were good enough spies, you would find the answers yourself."

That shuts Grant up and makes me almost chuckle, but I can't, unless I want to get tortured next. So, I stand silent next to Grant, who starts to turn red like a beetroot.

"If that's all you gentlemen have to say," Me Solomon pauses taunting us to respond.

None of us dare take a breath, as we wait for him to complete his sentence.

"Well then, get on the bus on the opposite side of this building facing Manly Road. I will meet you there."

No sound was uttered between us as we got onto the bus. We were all bewildered, disoriented and honestly, shocked. My mother would say I'm being a sexist, chauvinist pig because after all, she is the leader of the Circle of Cavan. But the point is, they are girls, we should be smarter and stronger than them and I hate to admit it but they outsmarted us. Blackthorne Boys. The truth is, trust girls to confuse you, but Gallagher girls – spy girls – a whole other story.

Immediately as I positioned myself on the bus seat, I looked at my phone; and sure enough, a message from an anonymous number was lying there unread on my phone. Before questioning how she could possibly know my phone number and having several security concerns, I read the message on my phone. You'll find out soon enough. -Chameleon

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