Chapter 2

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We all run out of class to discussed but Grant and I look at each other and immediately run towards our dorm.

"Jonas!" we yell while we run into our pristine room.

"Yes?" Jonas replied.

"We need your computer skills pronto," Grant adds.

"We need you to hack into the Gallagher Academy files," I conclude.

"The girl spy school? Why?"

"Wait, you know about it?" Grant comments.

"Yeah, of course," Jonas answers, "I just learnt about it in R&D."

Why are we all learning about it today? I ask myself.

When Jonas finally hacks into the Gallagher Academy, it's almost 1am.

"Hey, Zach, Grant." Jonas whispers as he shakes us awake.

"Took you long enough, what took you so long?" I mutter as I wipe the sleep from my eyes.

"Yeah, we need our beauty sleep," Grant mumbles.

"Well maybe you do Prince Charming, but we have bigger problems Grant," I say jokingly.

"Well do you want the information or not?" Jonas says impatiently.

"Yes, yes. Just give it here," I voice as I grab the laptop from Jonas' hands.

"Well, no need to be so kind," Jonas sarcastically comments, "It was no big thing. It only took me an hour to find the files, three hours to get into the system, and another five hours to combat all of the defence mechanisms. I've never seen anything like it."

"Okay, thank you. Can you both get over yourselves?" Grant adds as he finally wakes up and comes to see what we can discover.

"Whatever," we both mumble under our breaths.

"Okay then, what did you find on the Chameleon?" Grant says to me.

"Okay, found it." I swivel the computer so we can all see it, but it's blank. For a second I thought it must be a mistake but I scroll down and it is not. Her name is her code name, there was no picture of her, the details on her family were blank, and everything from the system was blank except for more codenames, which must be her friends.

"Click on her name," Jonas says in aside.

As I click on it, the screen flashes and crashes. Four small words pop up on the screen: 'Nice try boys –Chameleon' and the entire computer crashes and after several attempts in trying to turn it back on, it's officially toast.

The room is silent until Grant speaks, "what the heck?"

"What a waste of nine hours, 20 minutes and, 58 seconds in hacking their system!" Jonas groans.

Well this girl isn't just CoveOps smart. She is Jonas smart too, damn.

"Okay," I declare, "Let's go to bed and fix the computer in the morning."

Grumbles are heard from Jonas and Grant and I turn off the light. 

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