Chapter 1

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Mr Solomon strolls into the classroom 2 minutes late. But that was no surprise, he did it on purpose in every single one of his classes. The interesting part was what he said as he reached his desk that he rarely sits at.

"You are going undercover in your home town to compromise girls from the Gallagher Girl Academy."

Before Mr Solomon could utter another sentence, the class began processing this new information.

"Who are they?"

"They're just a couple of girls."

"Easy, no problem."

"What can they do? They're girls."

The class was silenced, as Mr Solomon flicked through a book sitting on his desk.

"The thing is," Mr Solomon continued as if he never stopped speaking, "is that this particular group of girls come from a school much like yours." He paused for effect as we all looked at each other in confusion. "Gallagher Academy is a spy school for Exceptional Young Women," he concluded.

The class erupted in noise again.

"There is a spy school for girls?"

I smirked, Really? Of course there is. How do you think there are girl spies in the world?

"Obviously we're better than them. I mean they're girls."

"We will compromise them all in five minutes flat, and we have home advantage."

This time, there was a crash and we all were silenced by the image of Mr Solomon holding a pen. How does he do that? I ask myself.

"Don't be so sure that it will be that easy lads," Mr Solomon comments. "They go to a school exactly like yours and I can tell you personally that they are as good as you."

Except for me, of course, I think to myself. I mean, not to brag, but I am the best in the entire school and I'm a sophomore.

He must've seen my signature smirk signifying that it was a piece of cake because he adds, "underestimating these girls would be a mistake, Mr Goode and the rest of you," while he scans the rest of the room.

"I taught at this school," shocking us, he has taught us since our year level entered. But it made sense, where he disappeared to on Tuesdays to Thursday mornings, he was teaching them.

"There is one girl who is a pavement artist, the best I've ever known and she's a sophomore." Damn, he's not kidding is he? "In her first semester of CovOps, she successfully completed her task and tailed Mr Smith and the mission was extremely challenging. After finding Mr Smith and asking him about the mission he said quote – I never saw her – end quote." Without stopping, he continues, "she left school multiple times and was never caught until the school was almost exposed." He chuckles. We all looked at each other, Mr Solomon CHUCKLES?

"She knows the school back to front. Every passageway, every point of entry and exit in a code black even the tiny nooks and crannies no one knows how to get into." He pauses, "if you need to get somewhere, she's the girl to ask."

We all sat shocked, but absorbing every word Mr Solomon says about this girl. "Her code name is Chameleon because when I say no one can see her unless she lets you, I mean it. So as I began, they can all give you a run for your money and do not think for one second that this is going to be easy."

Wow, I contemplate to myself. She must be amazing, how is that even possible that Mr Smith, Mr Smith can't even catch you? Wait, does that mean Mr Smith teaches there too?

"What's her name?" Wesley asks. Damn it, how did I not think about asking that? In all my reflecting, I didn't even realise that we still didn't know her name.

"Classified," Mr Solomon answers with a slight shake of his head.

"Please!" Grant whines.


"Why not?"

Without missing a beat, he turns towards the door and exits, "class dismissed."

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